Chapter 1654 Antique House Rules (6)

Han Shushu just came out of the bathroom.

She was wearing a pure white pajamas, her face was calm, beautiful and aura, graceful and elegant, as pure as a little lily just about to bloom.

This woman has not changed at all, as fresh and pure as he remembers.

"Chu Mubai, I was almost dragged in by you." Qin Zhuiyue said every word.

The moment he saw Han Shushu, he was sure that it was because he liked her so much that he hadn't let her go for so many years.

There are so many beauties in his harem, but none of them can walk into his heart.

She can always make his dead heart throb, making him feel that being born is a very meaningful thing.

Chu Mubai's eyebrows darkened.

How he wished that Qin Zhuiyue was only obsessed with this woman because he hated him.

But it turns out that there is still a man in this world who can't let go of Han Shushu like this, what a sin!

Seeing that the two men were looking at her, Han Shushu's scalp felt numb, so she simply hid under the sheets, pretending to be an ostrich.

After an unknown period of time, the oppressed air in the room became circulated.

She looked around and saw Chu Mubai standing in front of the bed with an unpredictable expression, looking down at her from above.

She grinned in a friendly manner, her eyebrows curved.

He stretched out his hand not to hit the Laughing Man, hoping that the devil would not take his anger out on her.

After all, it was Qin Zhuiyue who made him unhappy, so he should go find Qin Zhuyue and have a fight.

Chu Mubai looked at her for a while, sat down on the edge of the bed, and stuffed her into the sheet: "Sometimes I really want to strangle you, but I can't bear to..."

Han Shushu's heart was fluctuating. Looking at Chu Mubai's backlit face, she could see the depth and struggle in his eyes.

She thought, this person should like her very much, so he can't do anything about her, right?
The strange thing is, isn't the big devil's heart very hard?Why do you like such an ordinary woman like her.

In the end she attributed it to the cheating effect.

Because she is a time-traveling woman, both the male protagonist and the male supporting role like her, which is in line with the general trend of time-traveling novels.

At this moment, she actually felt a little sympathetic to Chu Mubai.

Such an excellent man, good-looking, high in martial arts, good in figure, not to mention his status, and then he is not close to a woman, but in the end he fell into the hands of an ordinary woman like her.

Think about it or earn it yourself.

She glanced at his slightly open chest, saw his smooth skin, and suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe.

She hurriedly looked away, thinking to herself that she was too filthy.

"I'll send you out of Xuantian City tomorrow. Shu Shu, it's not difficult for you to deal with Nangong. You have internal strength, lightness kung fu, and can make poison. If he dares to touch you, you will poison him to death!" Chu Mubai's voice rang out Han Shushu's head.

Only now did Han Shushu realize that the devil is so close to him, isn't he afraid that she will knock him down?

Seeing Han Shushu staring at him stupidly, Chu Mubai unconsciously sighed: "What do you think I like you?"

Stupid and stupid people know how to get into trouble.

"Yes, why?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

Seeing how Chu Mubai was troubled by love, she was also very curious.

Chu Mubai tapped her smooth forehead, and Han Shushu looked at him with anger.

Chu Mubai's eyes dimmed.

This girl must not know how charming she is at the moment, her brows and eyes are full of love, and when she begged for mercy under him, it was raining like pear blossoms, making him want to stop...

Feeling the changes in his body, Chu Mubai's face changed slightly. He glared at Han Shushu, and then quickly disappeared from Han Shushu's eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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