Chapter 1658 Using Violence to Control Violence (3)

If Chu Mubai really wants to return to her own time and space, and she is pregnant with his child again, should she also leave with him?

Thinking of this, Han Shushu was a little tangled.

"Shu Shu, I only say some things once. Wherever I am, you must be there, this is your destiny!" Chu Mubai patted Han Shushu's head and put her down on the pillow: "Sleep well After you wake up, the soup is ready. I will come to see you every day. You are not allowed to run around. If you are not at home, you have to tell me where you are. Also, there are many bad people outside , you have to be careful, don't be abducted by bad guys, you know? The most important thing is that you can't show your breasts outside!"

Chu Mubai exhorted softly, and kissed the back of Han Shushu's hand lightly.

Han Shushu nodded foolishly: "Okay."

As for what Chu Mubai said about being abducted by bad guys, she felt that such a thing could not happen.

Just kidding, in the more than 20 years without Chu Mubai, she has lived a good life, but there are not many bad people.

This person treats her like a child and is coaxing her.

But, it feels good to be cared about, and the happiness seems to be overflowing.

Chu Mubai pressed a kiss on her forehead before leaving the bedroom.

Han Shushu heard two men arguing outside, and then smelled the aroma of soup.She smiled and bent her eyebrows, but she really felt sleepy.

She didn't know how long she had slept, and when she opened her eyes again, she found that Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue had already left.

However, there was another man standing in front of the window.

Hearing her footsteps, he looked back at her with deep eyes, it was Nangong.

"I came up when I saw them leaving." Nangong Chaohan waved to Han Shushu, "Xiao Shu, come here."

Han Shushu walked up to Nangong as he said, and Nangong grabbed her hand and asked, "Who are Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue? How did you know them? Also, where did you hide this day and night? Tell me I."

Han Shushu bowed his head in silence, not daring to tell the truth.

The next moment, Nangong suddenly pulled her into his arms.

She struggled for a while, but couldn't match his strength: "It's my fault. If you want to have a baby, I won't stop you. I will raise you and the baby."

Han Shushu didn't struggle this time.

She knew Nangong too well and was cruel, how could he help other men raise their children?

He just wanted to get news about Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue from her.

If he knew the truth, he would definitely find a way to deal with Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue, or kill them.

However, she dared not point out this fact.

Now, he can only use back-and-forth tactics to deal with Nangong.

"I don't know their origins, I know they are rich. I don't even know where I went, because I was blindfolded when I went in and out. Nan Shao, they are just strangers to me. Didn't know them at all..."

Nangong pushed Han Shushu away, trying to see signs of her lying on Han Shushu's face.

Han Shushu thought she was covering it up very well, but Nangong grabbed her hand and smiled slightly: "Xiao Shu, do you know that every time you tell a lie, your palms will sweat, let me see..."

He spread her palm vigorously, not surprised to see that her hands were sweaty.

This girl has finally grown up and dared to disobey him for other men.

What's even more ridiculous is that he thought that coaxing her casually would make her obediently tell the truth about the origins of those two wild men. It turned out that this girl is not so easy to deceive.

(End of this chapter)

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