Chapter 1663 Using Violence to Control Violence (8)

Han Shushu made a cup of tea for Lou Jinghong, and continued making the baby's clothes by himself.

Lou Jinghong didn't bother her, just watched her busy.

The warm sun shone on her delicate face.In this time and space, this girl's temperament has been calmer.In Nanchu, she was much more lively.

Maybe he fell in love with her just because she can calm his heart.

"When your child is born, let him recognize me as godfather, okay?" Lou Jinghong said suddenly.

He wanted Han Shushu to be his wife more, but he also knew that Chu Mubai liked Han Shushu more than him.

As the king of a country, Chu Mubai is willing to do many things for a woman, which is something he cannot do.

After coming to this time and space, he saw Chu Mubai did many things for Han Shushu.

Last night, he actually followed Chu Mubai and saw how Chu Mubai stood up for Han Shushu.

At first he just wanted to follow Chu Mubai, but when he finally saw that Chu Mubai hadn't slept all night and ran to Han Shushu's side knowing that he was in poor health, he suddenly felt a little sympathetic to Chu Mubai.

Anyway, I just can't explain my unclear mood.

He had a sudden thought, whether the more he loves Han Shushu, the stronger his ability to withstand pressure.

So when Chu Mubai came out, he just vomited blood.

"Okay." Han Shushu deserved to be straightforward, and smiled at Lou Jinghong.

Lou Jinghong was dazzled by Han Shushu's smile, and his vision became more and more blurred.

At the moment, he didn't dare to stay any longer, and jumped directly from the window.

He came suddenly and left even more abruptly, making Han Shushu dumbfounded.

Thinking of Chu Mubai and his strange experience, Han Shushu read his unfinished novel while making clothes.

She read it roughly, and the novel wrote that Han Shu was brought into Nanchu by Chu Mubai.

Because it was just a cannon fodder role, there was very little confession, and it was completely impossible to see the adultery between Chu Mubai and Han Shu.

However, she vaguely remembered that when she wrote the role of Thirteen, she was actually in awe.

In the afternoon, Han Shushu received a text message from Chu Mubai.

She subconsciously wanted to change into a better outfit.But when she saw all the conservative clothes in the closet, she was dumbfounded.

That guy Chu Mubai must have changed all her clothes into these while she was asleep.

After all, it is an antique, where can I wear such clothes?
She is a girl in her 20s, who is in her youth, and she wants to wear the clothes of a 40-year-old aunt. Is there anything more tragic than this?
After rummaging around, Han Shushu finally resigned to his fate and put on the suit and went out.

Anyway, Chu Mubai has nothing to do if he thinks she is ugly, after all, it is his own fault.

When she went to the meeting place and saw the handsome man, she felt unbalanced.

Why does she have to dress up like a village girl, but Chu Mubai can be well-dressed?All the female creatures in the restaurant were peeping at Chu Mubai, even the elderly aunt stared at this man intently.

It's a disaster!
Han Shushu strode to sit opposite Chu Mubai, very unhappy.

"Who made you unhappy?" Chu Mubai approached Han Shushu and asked puzzledly.

The person protecting Han Shushu didn't call him, which means no one provoked Han Shushu.That being the case, why is this woman unhappy?

"See how many women are drooling at your face?" Han Shushu pointed at the women around him angrily.

She seriously suspected that she was not good enough for Chu Mubai.

(End of this chapter)

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