The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1669 Floating like a dream: her lonely grave

Chapter 1669 Life Like a Dream: Her Lonely Grave (7)

Han Shushu found the most comfortable position in Chu Mubai's arms: "Thirteen, I went to worship myself today, but I forgot to offer myself a stick of incense."

"I know. I have already sent flowers and burned incense." Chu Mubai replied softly.

The person he sent to protect her told him all about her whereabouts and the details.

It was just a thought, but I thought of it with her.What she forgot to do, he can do it for him.

Han Shushu moved closer to Chu Mubai, and sure enough, he smelled incense on him.

"Actually, I'm a coward. Thirteen, do you despise me?" Han Shushu moved closer to Chu Mubai.

"I can't bear to dislike it." Chu Mubai caressed Han Shushu's face: "Sleep obediently, and I will go back when you fall asleep."

"I never did anything good in my previous life, why did I meet you?" Han Shushu sniffed and asked puzzled.

It's a pity for Chu Mubai that such a good-looking handsome guy was overwhelmed by a clumsy pig like her.

"Did you forget, without you, where would I be?" Chu Mubai laughed in a deep voice.

He is a character of her creation.Without her, how could there be Chu Mubai?
Han Shushu also laughed, which can explain why Chu Mubai loves no one but her.

If her children don't love her, who else can they love?

She leaned on his warm embrace contentedly, thinking of the things she had experienced in these years, she was sure for the first time that this was not a dream.

In her dream, she couldn't be so happy.

"Thirteen, if we go back this time, we will never come back again, right?" Han Shushu got into Chu Mubai's arms and listened to his steady heartbeat.

She was just thinking.

In fact, it's good that Nangong can't remember what happened in Nanchu, at least he can live his own life.He won't remember ever being tempted by her, and he won't remember ever being unable to ask for her.

At this moment, she actually regretted bringing him to her graveyard.

At that time, all he wanted was to remind him of his possession of Chu Xiaoyao, but he didn't think about it for him. In fact, he didn't remember the past, and it was the best ending for him.

She didn't have a peach blossom in her previous life, but she committed a crime in this life. God seemed to want to make up for her, but passed!
"You are reluctant to part with Nangong?" Chu Mubai's eyes darkened slightly.

Han Shushu pursed his lips, thinking to himself that this person is so sensitive that he could sense her thoughts immediately.

To be honest, she was a little bit reluctant.

In the past in Nanchu, when you wanted to find Nangong, you could always look for him, and he was there whenever you called.

But if you want to meet again after a time and space, it is almost delusional.

After all, she had lived with Nangong for 20 years, plus those days when she was entangled in Nanchu, no matter in the past life or the present life, she and Nangong had endless entanglements.

"I have lived two lifetimes. Apart from you and my child, I have no other relatives. Nangong is a very important person in my life. Without him, I would not have met you, and I would not have Yuanbao. I always feel that it is Using his incompleteness to complete my consummation, I am afraid that because I..."

I am afraid that because of her, Nangong will be alone for the rest of his life.

I don't know why, this kind of thought just haunted her like this, making her feel uneasy.

"Silly girl. Even if we go back, we can come back again. Go to sleep, I have everything to do with you." Chu Mubai's eyes flickered slightly.

If they go back, of course they won't come back again, and Han Shushu and Nangong must never be given a chance to rekindle their old relationship.

(End of this chapter)

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