The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1671 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband

Chapter 1671 Jealous Husband, Jealous Husband (1)

Nangong panicked after watching all the videos and materials.

He always thought of the scene where Xiao Shu's body was carried away.

That girl had been alone for half her life, but when she finally left, she didn't have a single acquaintance to see her off. It turned out that this was Xiao Shu's ending.

Chu Mubai said that Xiao Shu was already dead.Han Shushu also said that Xiao Shu died.

He didn't believe it before.

Only now did he know that Xiao Shu had left alone at a time he didn't know, and she would never come back.

When Leng Ying knocked on the door and entered, he saw Nangong standing in front of the window smoking a cigarette.

The smoke obscured the outline of his face, preventing her from seeing him clearly.

Her heart froze, and she suddenly felt that this man was very strange, so strange that she dared not recognize him.

She came today because she was afraid of long nights and dreams, and hoped that Nangong and her would hold a wedding in advance.

As long as she married Nangong, she would no longer be afraid of that weird man that night.

She has been planning for so long, but she just wants to marry Nangong and be his woman, she can't give up halfway.

Leng Ying quietly came behind Nangong, and was about to hug his waist, but Nangong said softly, "What's the matter?"

"Nangong, can our wedding date be brought forward? I can't wait to be your bride and marry you as a wife." Leng Ying said, wanting to hug Nangong.

Nangong turned sideways suddenly, avoiding her touch just in time.

He put out his cigarette butt, turned back to the desk, and replied quietly: "Then hold the wedding in advance. You pick a date and tell me, so that I can get people ready."

Leng Ying didn't expect things to go so smoothly, she thought she had heard wrong, and asked cautiously: "Is our wedding really going to be brought forward?"

Nangong raised his eyes to look at Leng Ying, and smiled: "If you don't want to advance, then hold the wedding on the original date."

Looking at Nangong's smile, Leng Ying suddenly felt his scalp go numb.

Nangong doesn't like to laugh, he only shows a little smile when he is in a good mood.

But his smile today made her panic.

"Then I'll pick an auspicious day." Leng Ying said cautiously.

Nangong didn't look at Leng Ying any more, and lowered his head to get busy.

Leng Ying didn't dare to quarrel with Nangong anymore, before leaving the office, she looked at Nangong who was working with her head down.

She can't see through Nangong now, and she doesn't know what Nangong is thinking.

She followed him for several years, and finally got rid of that annoying woman Han Shushu.Just when she was about to take this step of success, she suddenly felt so insecure.It's as if everything that is clearly in the palm of your hand will suddenly disappear one day.

After Leng Ying left, Nangong looked away from the document, feeling a little tired suddenly.

He went into the lounge, lay down and fell asleep.

In the dream, there are some disorganized fragments, most of which are unhappy.Of course, there were also some happy things. At that time, Xiao Shu was still young, and he always liked to follow behind him, calling "Nan Shao Nan Shao" non-stop.

In the end, the smiling face turned into the face whose facial features could not be seen clearly, which made him wake up suddenly from the dream.

He was stunned for a while, and then called Han Shushu: "Xiao Shu, come and have lunch with me."

Han Shushu glanced at the man standing beside him, and seeing the man staring at her fiercely, she grinned, walked aside, and replied, "Okay, I'll come to your company to find you later."

After speaking, she cut off the phone.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Chu Mubai's gloomy face. This guy was the most jealous, and he was so obvious that she couldn't laugh or cry.

(End of this chapter)

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