The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1687 At that time, at this time

Chapter 1687 At that time, at this time (2)

The villa is getting closer, and Han Shushu is suddenly a little nervous. Perhaps, this is the so-called timidity of being close to home.

Scenes of the past flashed before her eyes like a revolving lantern.Even though it has been a lifetime, through two time and space, some memories are still fresh.

After getting off the car, Han Shushu calmed down and walked into the villa.

She didn't find Nangong in the living room, and asked the servants, only to find out that Nangong was waiting for her in the back garden.

From a distance, I could smell the elegant aroma of tea, and the person who was making tea.

She walked slowly, as if she had the illusion of going back in time.

At that time, she was also by his side like this.

She has always been stupid and lazy. She has been with Nangong for so many years, but she still hasn't learned to be arty.In her opinion, drinking tea is to quench your thirst, not to drink tea.

Nangong said more than once that she didn't understand life and was a careless woman.

But he is a man who lives a refined life.This may be the contradiction and difference between them, so he is always demanding her as the master, but she does not think about making progress, which makes him disappointed again and again.

Han Shushu sat down opposite Nangong, picked up a cup of tea, and drank it down.

Nangong's eyes fixed on her face, thoughtful.

Han Shushu grinned: "I can't help it. I still can't learn your tricks. Any good tea tastes the same when it comes to me."

"You used to be very restrained in front of me, but now it's different." Nangong lowered his eyelids.

With his back against the light and his head lowered, his expression could not be seen clearly.

Han Shushu looked at Nangong for a long time, and then said: "You used to ask me to be perfect, but I have shortcomings. In front of you, I always have an inexplicable sense of inferiority, but you have an innate superiority." I'm in front of you, I can't hold my head up and be myself. Nangong, if the Xiao Shu you know stays by your side all the time, you won't take another look at her, will you?"

Traveling through the world she wrote, she regained the self-confidence she had discarded for many years, like a fish in water.

It was Chu Mubai who made her perfect, taught her everything, and made her feel that she is also a woman worthy of happiness.

Nangong's eyes were gloomy, and her thin lips were tightly pursed.

He hadn't thought about the possibility.

But listening to what she said, it seems to be the truth.How can you know the value of your own things if you have never lost them?
If Xiao Shu hadn't died, he probably would never have discovered that his feelings for her were different?

"Xiao Shu, I'm a person who doesn't care about blessings." After a long time, Nangong sighed in a low voice.

Xiao Shu has been with him for 20 years. She is always within his reach, but he can't see her existence.

There are too many temptations around him, too many women waiting for him to be pampered, how can he have extra time to look back at the ordinary Xiaojiu? !
Not at that time, but also at this time, there will always be a day when Xiao Shu will go far.

Han Shushu didn't know how to answer.

She also felt bad.

No matter when and where, there is only one Nangong who occupies the longest period of her life.

At this moment, she couldn't tell whether Nangong had recovered her memory, nor could she understand why Nangong came to find her.

"Let's go, accompany me to a place." Nangong said and got up, walked up to Han Shushu, and stretched out his hand towards her.

Han Shushu looked at his generous palm and remembered that many years ago, he used to hold her hand while walking.

She looks for the happy past in him, does he do the same?

(End of this chapter)

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