Chapter 1710 Long Dream Farewell (1)

"I don't remember!" Han Shushu was annoyed and ashamed, after all, it was not something glorious.

She doesn't quite remember those details.She was very young at that time, except for the impressive incident of Nangong taking her out of the orphanage, she didn't have much memory of other things.

But with Nangong's reminder, it seems that there is such an embarrassing thing.

"When I see Chu Mubai tomorrow, I have to show off to him." The smile on Nangong's face deepened.

He could imagine the scene where Chu Mubai was burning with jealousy, and he thought it would be very interesting.

Han Shushu felt cold when he heard the words.

This matter really let Chu Mubai's big vinegar jar know, I'm afraid it will pick her skin off.

The most terrible thing is that this will become a stain in her life.Chu Mubai didn't care that she was young and ignorant at the time, that jealous husband would only think that she knew how to seduce men at such a young age.

Knowing Chu Mubai for these years, she naturally knows how jealous that man is.

"Don't mention this matter to him. Nangong, please don't make trouble for me, okay?" Han Shushu looked at Nangong, hoping that he wouldn't make fun of him.

What Nangong said may cause her to be talked about by Chu Mubai for the rest of her life.

Nangong just smiled and ruffled her hair, without giving her a clear answer.

As soon as Han Shushu saw his smile like this, he knew that something was wrong.

After that, she tried her best to follow Nangong's dance steps, but he still didn't let go.

Nangong was annoyed by Han Shushu's entanglement, so he said, "It's fine if I don't say anything, you can sleep with me tonight!"

Han Shushu immediately withdrew his hands, stood far enough away from Nangong, and stared at Nangong vigilantly.

Seeing this, Nangong smiled instead of anger, "Do you think I'm really interested in you, a pregnant woman who wants to have a figure but a figure and a face?"

Han Shushu pursed her red lips in disdain.This is not certain, after all, these men have very bad eyesight, and they look down on women who are not in bad shape or bad temper.

Then, she followed into the living room.

Nangong turned off the light in the living room, and Han Shushu suddenly felt confused.Until the living room was dark, the projection on the wall suddenly lit up, and her eyes were fixed on the projection.

It was the life moments recorded by her and Nangong when they were young.

She can't remember some things, and she doesn't know that someone recorded such a scene.

The last scene was the back of her and Nangong standing side by side by the river.The fiery red sunset elongated their figures, warm and romantic, as if that scene was meaningful.

"It's a pity that we have too few videos when we grow up." Nangong sighed in a low voice.

Han Shushu pursed his lips and smiled, feeling the same regret.

How could they know at that time that many seemingly ordinary bits and pieces were too late when they looked back.

In the blink of an eye, she saw a few more bottles of white wine beside Nangong.

"Tonight is my happiest day. I want to get drunk." Nangong blushed and looked at Han Shushu with drunken eyes.

Han Shushu didn't want to dampen his interest, so he went into the kitchen to cook some side dishes.

Nangong ate and drank, and after an hour, he was finally so drunk that he lost consciousness.

Han Shushu looked at Nangong's drowsy face, and carefully measured him. Suddenly, he felt that the male face in front of him was a little strange.

She didn't know where to start, she rarely looked at his face carefully.

She knew that Nangong was reluctant to let her go, but he still made up his mind to fulfill her and Chu Mubai.

After this farewell, they may never have the chance to see each other again.

(End of this chapter)

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