The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1713 Birth of a Dragon Son for the Northern Emperor

Chapter 1713 Gives birth to dragon sons for the Northern Emperor (1)

Seeing such a haughty little court lady, Han Shushu was so angry that he dropped the furniture.

She fell powerlessly on the beauty couch and sighed.

Now being locked in a secret room, I don't know what's going on outside.

All he knew was that when he opened his eyes, he was in a secret room in the Beiqin Imperial Palace.

When she looked in the mirror, she found that she was wearing a human skin mask. Even if she went out, no one would know that she was Han Shushu.

If she didn't know that she was pregnant, she would have thought that someone had changed her body.

Fortunately, Qin Zhuiyue just put on a human skin mask to hide her.

It was only these two days that she found out that Qin Zhuiyue threw her into the Chang'an Pavilion.She is now in a secret room in Chang'an Pavilion, isolated from the world.

Originally, based on her poison technique and lightness skills, it was not impossible to escape.

However, Qin Zhuiyue knew that she was good at lightness kungfu, so he gave her soft muscle powder, which made her weak all over, and made it difficult for her to walk a few steps.

As for the poison technique, there was no way to use it, just because she didn't have any herbs around her. The so-called clever woman can't cook without rice, which probably describes her current situation.

When she returned to this time and space, there was no one around her, so she didn't know whether Chu Mubai had returned to Nanchu.

If Chu Mubai came back and found that she was missing, he must be frightened.

It's a pity that she can't even get out of this secret room.

The most fortunate thing now is that the Ruanjin powder she took has no effect on the child in her womb.

And the most gratifying thing for her is that Qin Zhuiyue didn't want to kill her child, which is a blessing in misfortune.

However, avoiding seeing each other is not a long-term solution for Qin Zhuiyue.If he doesn't come to see her, it's just a dream that she wants to run away.

Speaking of which, Qin Zhuiyue is also a treacherous fox.He placed himself in this secret room, and there was no room for escape.

Coupled with Qin Zhuiyue not coming to see her, if Chu Mubai wanted to find her, he would not be able to find a breakthrough.

Could it be that she is going to pretend to surrender to Qin Zhuiyue and lure him to Chang'an Pavilion?
After thinking about it, it seems that this is the only way.

Having made up his mind, Han Shushu pressed the switch, and soon someone entered, it was the court lady with eyes on top of her head—Liuhua.

"What's your order, Miss?" Liu Hua asked coldly.

"Tell your master that I want to serve him." Han Shushu said softly, but his heart seemed to swallow a fly.

Although it was an expedient measure, she felt absurd that she was out of the wall, and she felt sorry for her man.

I'm afraid that Chu Mubai will be so angry that he will peel her skin if he knows this?
Liuhua looked at Han Shushu incredulously, and asked, "Are you sure?"

"If you don't go again, I will regret it." Han Shushu looked at Liuhua impatiently.

This time Liuhua didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly left the secret room to report the matter to her master.

Liuhua soon ran to the Zhengqian Palace to report the news that Han Shushu agreed to sleep with Qin Zhuiyue, who was handling government affairs.

Qin Zhuiyue paused while writing, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

Later, when he thought of Han Shushu's temper as a woman, the joy in his heart disappeared without a trace.

"Young lady is willing to sleep with you, isn't the emperor happy?" Liu Hua looked at Qin Zhuiyue puzzledly and asked.

She has been serving in Zhengqian Palace for the past few years and became Qin Zhuiyue's personal attendant, so she naturally knows what her master thinks.

For a Han Shushu, Qin Zhuiyue took a lot of effort.He was even willing to give up the throne, but he finally returned to Beiqin.

(End of this chapter)

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