The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1718 Winning Chu Mubai Chapter 1

Chapter 1718 Winning Chu Mubai once (2)

Han Shushu originally wanted to say that if Chu Mubai knew she was sleeping with him, he would skin her.

But she thought, after all, this is Qin Zhuiyue's territory, and it would be unwise for her to mention Qin Zhuiyue's rival in love and provoke him.

At present, it is still the right way to maintain stability, delay time, and wait for Chu Mubai to save him.

"I'm not sleepy, I'm not sleepy yet, you go to sleep first." Han Shushu raised his eyebrows and smiled, trying to make himself look stupid.

"It's up to you." Qin Zhuiyue didn't bother to pay any attention to Han Shushu, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

He wants to see how long this woman can last.

In fact, he also underestimated Han Shushu's resistance.

Although this woman is lazy and vain, sometimes she is quite principled.

According to the result of his peeping, she would rather sit on the backrest chair and peck rice than share the same bed with him.

Qin Zhuiyue got off the couch, walked slowly to Han Shushu, and looked down at her from above.

But seeing that her eyebrows are like a new moon, her lips are like a viburnum, and her skin is like creamy fat, soft and flawless.

Xu is too beautiful, so good that he wants to destroy this beauty.

Maybe if she is torn apart and reassembled again, she can completely belong to him.

Han Shushu was sitting on a chair and dozing off, when suddenly she felt the air around her become cold, and the killing intent made it difficult for her to breathe.

Her eyes widened suddenly, and at the same time, the comb chair she was sitting on suddenly broke apart.

She straightened up in an instant.

After seeing clearly the torn comb chair under her body, she broke out in a cold sweat from shock.

If she hadn't been slow for a second, she would have fallen to the ground at this moment, and the baby in her womb would probably be...

Thinking of this possibility, she broke out in cold sweat, and looked at Qin Zhuiyue in front of her in surprise.

I saw his eyes were as cold as iron, his familiar evil expression was gone, only the cold and murderous intent enveloped his whole body.

After all, it is a person who has become an emperor, it is so scary to get angry casually.

She is a pregnant woman, if she is alone, she has nothing to fear.But for the sake of the child, she had to coax Qin Zhuiyue better.

"Qin Zhuiyue, you really don't know how to be sympathetic to women. I am such a good woman, yet you are so cruel..." Han Shushu laughed, breaking the deathly silence in the room.

Qin Zhuiyue pursed her thin lips, looked at Han Shushu coldly, and took a step closer to her.

Han Shushu secretly complained, imagining several vicious ways Qin Zhuiyue could use to deal with her.

Her black grape-like eyeballs rolled around, and she suddenly smiled and said, "Are you unable to sleep? How about this, I will sing you a little song to lull you to sleep?"

Qin Zhuiyue didn't make a sound, just looked at her coldly.

Han Shushu simply turned his back and sang loudly.

She is tone deaf, and it is impossible to hear the little songs she sings well.

"The dark sky is low, the bright stars follow, the insects are flying, the insects are flying, who are you missing..."

She peeped at Qin Zhuiyue while singing, for fear that Qin Zhuiyue would get angry and cut off her head.

What's strange is that she sang so badly and was completely out of tune, but the hostility on Qin Zhuiyue's face dissipated, and she no longer had a coffin face.

"It's ugly!!" After listening to a song, Qin Zhuiyue concluded in a cold voice.

Han Shushu put on a smile: "Your Majesty is right."

"Continue!" Qin Zhuiyue lay back on the phoenix couch, returning to the appearance that an elegant emperor should have.

Han Shushu greeted all eighteen generations of Qin Zhuiyue's ancestors in his heart, but he didn't dare to show emotion on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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