Chapter 1725 Give him a chance (1)

Only then did Han Shushu realize that he was far away from Qin Zhuiyue.She quickened her pace, followed behind Qin Zhuiyue, and asked in a low voice, "Are we going to the Imperial Garden?"

The Royal Garden is a good place, and there should be some medicinal herbs.But making a fuss under Qin Zhuiyue's nose, I'm afraid the gain outweighs the loss.

Qin Zhuiyue responded, which was regarded as an answer.

Han Shushu walked a short distance, and his pace slowed down.In the end, he took Ruanjinsan. He usually eats too much and is lazy, and sleeps after eating, but he just feels sick.This time, after walking for a while, I felt very strenuous.

Qin Zhuiyue has a keen sense of hearing and profound internal strength.Coupled with Han Shushu's heavy steps, he could tell that it was because he had taken Ruanjinsan.

"It's enough for a woman to take care of her husband and teach her children at home. What do you do to learn so many skills? You asked for it." Qin Zhuiyue said this, but slowed down.

Han Shushu smiled wryly when he heard the words: "Do you think I don't want to be a happy rice worm? Back then, if I had the ability to protect myself, I wouldn't have lost my first child. From then on, I told You must have the ability to protect yourself and not let yourself become a burden. However, you men are still too strong and despicable. You only know how to attack weak women like me..."

Qin Zhuiyue in front of her paused, and suddenly turned to look at her with cold eyes.

She looked back calmly.

He, Qin Zhuiyue, is not a good guy either.He knew that she was pregnant, but for his own selfishness, he threatened her with her child.

"If you had followed me back then, I would never have let you suffer any grievances." Qin Zhuiyue said in a deep voice after a long time.

Han Shushu snorted: "Sounds good! Don't forget your harem of three thousand. When you wanted me, you were already the emperor. You know how many women there are in your palace. As for the filthy concubines in the harem... I don't need to elaborate on the means. Some things are easy to say, but not easy to do..."

"After you followed Chu Mubai, how good is your life? For him, you suffered the pain of slipping tires. Because of him, you stayed away. For him, you were willing to let him forget you. How much he has done Well, it’s worth your heart and soul for him?! You never gave me a chance, how do you know I’m not doing well? Shu’er, you’re too partial!” Qin Zhuiyue interrupted Han Shushu in a cold voice.

Han Shushu was silent.

She can indeed do anything for Chu Mubai, but because she cares about that person.

"You gave birth to him and conceived another one. He got you for six years, and you can give me the rest of your time, can't you? I can give you what he can give you. Give me a chance, won't you? Qin Zhuiyue looked down at Han Shushu and asked in a hoarse voice.

All he wanted was a chance for her.

He will not love her less than Chu Mubai, love her less...

Han Shushu opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

No matter what she said, it would make him sad, so he just kept silent.

Every time she saw Qin Zhuiyue, she would think of her former self, and naturally she couldn't bear it.

Had the same experience, had the same loved one but couldn't get it, how could she stab him again in his wound?
"I, I want to visit the garden..." Han Shushu avoided Qin Zhuiyue's enthusiastic eyes.

Qin Zhuiyue's soft sigh came from behind him: "Sure enough, is it still not possible?"

Han Shushu clenched his fists and took two steps back indistinctly.

(End of this chapter)

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