Chapter 1733 Ning loses the world (1)

Some transparent and informed officials naturally knew that Qin Zhuiyue went to war because he lost a beauty.

At this moment, seeing Qin Zhuiyue suddenly retreating from the court to do something important, he probably knew that it was because of the lost beauty that Qin Zhuiyue lost his composure.

All the courtiers talked a lot, shook their heads and sighed knowing what was going on, and dispersed in twos and threes.

After Qin Zhuiyue retired from the court, he went straight to the bedroom where Liu Ruozhi lived.

When Liu Ruozhi learned that Qin Zhuiyue was coming, he was overjoyed, and immediately went out to greet him: "My concubine welcomes the emperor!"

Qin Zhuiyue didn't look at Liu Ruozhi, and spared her courtesy. He was searching for the person he wanted from the moment he entered the palace.

He believed that if Han Shushu was here, he would be able to tell who she was at a glance.

He just glanced around, but couldn't find the person he was looking for.

He asked in a deep voice, "Is everyone in your palace here?"

Liu Ruozhi got the news of Han Shushu's escape last night.She is also a transparent woman, at this moment she understands that Qin Zhuiyue thinks that Han Shushu is hiding in her bedroom.

"Reporting to the emperor, all the palace people are here, and the concubine asked them to come over and pay their respects to the emperor."

After Liu Ruozhi finished speaking, he found all the servants and eunuchs in his palace.

Qin Zhuiyue read it carefully and was disappointed.

He didn't stay any longer, and left without looking back.

Liu Ruozhi stared at Qin Zhuiyue's back in a daze, feeling somewhat depressed in his heart.

Seeing that the man he loves misses another woman, and he does not go to court during the early court, but comes to see that woman, we can know that he has a deep affection for Han Shushu.

She has been his woman for so many years, but he has never looked back at her, and never put her in his heart.

In this life, she can't win his heart, right?
"Why are you crying, Your Majesty?" Seeing Liu Ruozhi lowering her eyes secretly, the maid said distressedly.

"The emperor still only cares about Han Shushu. After so many years, as long as it is Han Shushu, the emperor will lose his sense of proportion." Liu Ruozhi replied hoarsely.

"Your Majesty must not be discouraged. There are so many concubines in the harem, and the Emperor only loves Your Majesty. It can be seen that in the Emperor's heart, Your Majesty is unique..."

"Don't comfort me anymore. I know that because I was handpicked by Han Shushu, the emperor treats me differently. If not, I mean nothing to the emperor," Liu Ruozhi said. Tears welled up in her beautiful eyes again.

She knew this fact when she entered the palace.She is today, all thanks to Han Shushu's blessing.

Without Han Shushu's support, how could she have the opportunity to become one of Qin Zhuiyue's harem?
It's clearly a woman she should hate, but it's Han Shushu who gave her the so-called grace today.

The maids dared not speak any more.After all, they are all Liu Ruozhi's close servants, so they naturally know the ins and outs of Liu Ruozhi's selection into the harem.

That's right, if it wasn't for Han Shushu back then, there wouldn't be Liu Ruozhi today?
After Qin Zhuiyue left Liu Ruozhi's bedroom, he hurried to the palace where An Qiange was.

An Qiange's bedroom has been deserted for a long time, but when she heard Qin Zhuiyue's sudden arrival this time, a sarcastic smile appeared on her lips.

You don't have to think about it to know what happened.

It was nothing more than Han Shushu's disappearance, and Qin Zhuiyue ran to her bedroom to find someone.

"Your Majesty, it's rare for the emperor to come here. Is it wrong for us not to greet him?" the maid asked Ni An Qiange nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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