Chapter 1746 King vs. King (2)

Chu Mubai looked indifferent.

On the way to Beiqin, he was always worried about what might happen to her.He was just worried that she would be hurt, more than anything else.

Qin Zhuiyue made a sarcastic smile, approached Chu Mubai, and opened his lips in a cold voice: "That sounds nice! Shu'er has already been slept by me, you won't dislike her..."

"Qin Zhuiyue, what do you have to come to me, I don't allow you to humiliate her!" Chu Mubai interrupted Qin Zhuiyue's unscrupulous words, his eyes were cold.

"Even if I don't say it, it's true that she's already dirty and has become my woman—"

This time, before Qin Zhuiyue finished speaking, Chu Mubai had already started.

Qin Zhuiyue was waiting for Chu Mubai to make the first move!
He took the opportunity to kill Chu Mubai so blatantly.

They played Bieyuan in a tacit understanding.

It didn't take long for Chu Mubai to find that many experts surrounded him.

What kind of plan did Qin Zhuiyue come up with, how could he not know?
As soon as he gestured, a group of men in black appeared and intercepted Qin Zhuiyue's men.

In the end, it was Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue who confronted each other.

"Do you think the Beiqin Imperial Palace is still a place where you can come and go when you say it?!" Qin Zhuiyue sneered, and suddenly raised his voice: "Come on!"

Following Qin Zhuiyue's order, hundreds of men in white clothes showed up.

They are all vigorous and vigorous.

When Chu Mubai saw these people making moves, he knew that this was Qin Zhuiyue's killer move.

"Chu Mubai, I let you come and go today!" Qin Zhuiyue smiled coldly, and had already jumped out of the encirclement of men in white clothes.

He has been waiting for an opportunity like today.

These dead men in white were specially trained by him to deal with Chu Mubai.

Chu Mubai also has today?!

"Actually, I arrived in the capital as early as ten days ago. Qin Zhuiyue, do you know why I haven't shown up?" Chu Mubai looked at Qin Zhuiyue who was standing outside the wall of people, standing gracefully, elegantly, It's like a banished immortal coming out of an ink painting.

Qin Zhuiyue frowned slightly invisibly, secretly thinking something was wrong.

If Chu Mubai had arrived in the capital ten days ago, but did not show up for a long time, there must be some conspiracy.

"Lou Jinghong, come out." As soon as Chu Mubai finished speaking, a coquettish man in red appeared, wasn't it the coquettish Lou Jinghong?
Lou Jinghong appeared quietly, and with a long roar, hundreds of disciples of Xuantian City appeared at a rapid speed, worthy of confronting all the white-clothed dead men.

Chu Mubai walked out of the encirclement until Qin Zhuiyue stood in front of him. Xu Sheng opened his lips: "You can place secret workers by my side, and I will naturally plant people by your side. I know that you have cultivated a lot of forces secretly. The safety of Guan Shushun, how could I rush into your territory? Qin Zhuiyue, I respect you as an opponent. Similarly, I also said that this is a grievance between us, this is not something you can hurt A bundle of excuses..."

"Sounds good! If Shu'er was my woman, you would just sit and wait for death? Why should I want to get her and hurt her?" Qin Zhuiyue's lips curled into a sneer.

As for Chu Mubai, a treacherous villain, if Han Shushu was with him, Chu Mubai must have been worse than him.

The reason why he failed to win against Chu Mubai was simply because he was not as vicious as Chu Mubai, which gave Han Shushu a chance to breathe.

He obviously had a chance to get Han Shushu, but he missed it!

(End of this chapter)

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