Chapter 1751 You're Alive (3)

Han Shushu is petite and wears a cloak that belongs to Chu Mubai. When walking, at first glance, it looks like a child wearing clothes that are not suitable for adults. He looks ridiculous.

After Han Shushu walked away, and Qin Changting disappeared into the vast world, Chu Mubai turned to look at Qin Zhuiyue: "There must be a break, and there must be a condition!"

"I won't let go!" Qin Zhuiyue said firmly.

Now that he has the upper hand, why should Chu Mubai and Han Shushu be fulfilled?
The scene where Han Shushu and Chu Mubai looked at each other affectionately hurt his eyes, making him wish he could kill Chu Mubai.If he perfected this couple, it would be ridiculous!
"However, if you let her sleep with me for a month, I will..."

Before Qin Zhuiyue finished speaking, Chu Mubai had already attacked his vitals.

The two fought in the snow.Two figures, one white and one yellow, danced alternately in the air, sandwiching the sky full of snowflakes, forming a unique scene.

At first, the crowd watching from a distance didn't feel anything. After a quarter of an hour, when their internal organs seemed to break through their bodies, everyone knew that something was wrong.

The vigilant ones ran away immediately, while the slower ones hadn't reacted yet, their bodies had exploded.

Thick blood spread in the air, and there were broken limbs everywhere.

The immaculate white snowflakes are stained with dazzling scarlet, like plum blossoms in full bloom, dazzling and cruel.

Half an hour later, the two figures who were wrestling with each other were staggered.

Chu Mubai and Qin Zhuiyue floated to the ground.

Chu Mubai looked at Qin Zhuiyue coldly, and opened his lips contemptuously: "Qin Zhuiyue, I only blame you for coming too late. Before Shu Shu came to this world, she was already mine. I advise you It's better not to be brave, so that you can live longer."

Taking another deep look at Qin Zhuiyue, he left gracefully.

Qin Zhuiyue resisted the turbulent breath, and after making sure that Chu Mubai was far away, he finally couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of dirty blood.

He knew another meaning of Chu Mubai's words.Chu Mubai was telling him that even though he had learned all the most powerful skills in Xuantian City, he was still not as good as Chu Mubai because he learned martial arts too late.

Chu Mubai is the proud disciple of the old city lord of Xuantian City, but he is a master of Xuantian City who has become a monk halfway and learned it by stealing it.No matter how talented he is, he still can't learn Chu Mubai's most authentic Xuantian City martial arts.

When Cailian arrived, Qin Zhuiyue had fallen on the snow and lost consciousness.

Under him was a large expanse of scarlet snow, which hurt her eyes...

Chu Mubai went to the plum garden, and Han Shushu was admiring the plum blossoms.

Seeing Chu Mubai coming, Qin Changting tactfully left the scene, leaving them space to be alone.

"Thirteen, what's wrong with you?" When Han Shushu turned his head, he saw Chu Mubai's strange expression.

She had never seen Chu Mubai's expression like this before. It seemed that there was something confusing and incomprehensible to him. Was it because they were trapped in the Beiqin Imperial Palace that Chu Mubai had something on his mind?
Chu Mubai walked up to Han Shushu slowly, and took her into his arms: "I think it's the most beautiful snow season when I come to Beiqin. It's rare to come out, so it's okay for us to spend some time here."

"The snow falls beautifully here." Han Shushu smiled and leaned on Chu Mubai's shoulder.

Although Chu Mubai didn't say anything, she could tell that this guy had something on his mind.

Maybe what Qin Zhuiyue and Chu Mubai said just now...

She quietly looked at Chu Mubai's side face, and found that he was in a daze again.

(End of this chapter)

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