Chapter 1761 Smelly Shameless (2)

Han Shushu grinned, eyebrows and eyes curved: "There are so many people serving you, I'm not the only one missing. What's more, I am a young lady, and I don't like to serve people. By the way, you are the king of a country anyway. Is it not good if you don't go to court all the time?"

"I'm not feeling well, what does it matter if I don't go to court?" Qin Zhuiyue replied calmly.

He held Han Shushu's catkin.Thinking of Chu Mubai being able to hold such a pair of beautiful hands every day, he couldn't help feeling jealous again.

Han Shushu was taken aback by Qin Zhuiyue's terrifying eyes, and she withdrew her hand forcefully.

The next moment, Qin Zhuiyue took Han Shushu's hand as a matter of course.

Han Shushu looked at Qin Zhuiyue's entangled hands with his own in confusion.Could it be that Qin Zhuiyue's life is not long, so she has reason to be entangled with other men? This is so unfair to Chu Mubai.

Apart from her, Chu Mubai has no other women in his life.

Based on the principle of fairness, she shouldn't get too close to Qin Zhuiyue.

She withdrew her hand forcefully, walked aside, and said softly: "Qin Zhuiyue, don't do this, I don't like it."

She did owe Qin Zhuiyue, but she could not continue to owe Chu Mubai any more.

Qin Zhuiyue looked at Han Shushu coldly, and after a while he said: "Chu Mubai has three thousand harems, it's not too much for you to have one more, why bother..."

"Since you are the Northern Emperor, you have the obligation to be a good emperor and work for the welfare of the Northern Qin people. I'll write the script, so you should be busy." Without waiting for Qin Zhuiyue to speak, she turned and left the bedroom.

Qin Zhuiyue sighed softly, with a sad tone: "Chu Mubai is really lucky."

"You are also a blessed person." Han Shushu didn't want to look at Qin Zhuiyue's face, so he left in a hurry.

Unexpectedly, Qin Zhuiyue followed up in the study.He was dealing with the memorial, and she was writing the storybook on the side.

I don't know how long it took, but when she felt someone was around, she looked up at Qin Zhuiyue, and took the initiative to explain to him: "I'm going to write a warmer story, probably a childhood sweetheart, a childhood sweetheart, the story won't be Great plot ups and downs."

Qin Zhuiyue remained silent, looking at Han Shushu's side face absently.

He loves stories like this.If he could really meet her at the moment they were born, and then get to know each other and make promises again, how great would it be?!

After writing for more than half an hour, Han Shushu put down his brush and said to Qin Zhuiyue, "I'm going back, Shisan is still waiting for me outside."


Qin Zhuiyue yelled softly at Han Shushu's back.

Han Shushu paused and looked back at Qin Zhuiyue.

Qin Zhuiyue showed a gentle smile to her: "I'm very glad that Chu Mubai is here, and I'm also very glad that you escaped. Otherwise, I would definitely do something to hurt you. I just, want you too much... ..."

Han Shushu didn't dare to listen anymore, she walked away quickly, just wanting to get as far away from Qin Zhuiyue as possible.

She is afraid that others will be gentle with her, especially people like Qin Zhuiyue.

If someone treats her badly, she can ignore it, refuse to respond, or even take revenge on the other party.

But this person is Qin Zhuiyue. Years ago, she had sincerely regarded him as a friend...

The moment he walked out of Zhengqian Palace, Han Shushu was not surprised to see Chu Mubai.

He said he would wait for her, and he would really wait.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing Han Shushu looking at him with teary eyes, Chu Mubai's heart tightened.

Han Shushu took a few steps and hid in his arms: "Thirteen, I'm sorry for Qin Zhuyue."

When Chu Mubai heard this, his heart suddenly turned cold.

(End of this chapter)

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