Chapter 1770 Half-Life Fate (3)

After writing, Han Shushu really got into the drama, forgetting that Qin Zhuiyue and Chu Mubai were still fighting in secret.

Until Qin Zhuiyue's voice sounded above her head: "Shu'er, this word should have a name?"

Han Shushu raised his head upon hearing the sound, and replied, "Not yet."

"Why don't you name it "Nie Yuan"?" Chu Mubai rubbed Han Shushu's hair, and curled his lips with a faint smile.

Han Shushu held back his smile, hearing the sourness in Chu Mu's vernacular.

Fortunately, the matter of writing the storybook was approved by Chu Mubaien, otherwise, if he is as jealous as he is, maybe he will be serious with her about this matter.

"The title of the book is unlucky, no!" Qin Zhuiyue retorted immediately, and said with a smile, "Why not just call it "Shu'er Chasing the Moon", this name is the most direct."

Han Shushu's lips twitched once.

It's really straightforward, but it's too cheating, and I feel goosebumps when I hear this name.

"Disgusting book title. Shushu, you come and get it!" Chu Mubai said, placing his hand on Han Shushu's fragrant shoulder, and suddenly increased his strength, full of threats.

Han Shushu naturally understood.

If Chu Mubai doesn't like the title of the book she chooses, Chu Mubai may impose family law on her.

She pretended to think for a while, and then said with a smile: "The plot of the story mostly takes place in the Bansheng Building, so let's simply call it "Half Life Fate"."

In fact, she had already thought of the title of the book.It is deliberately set the storyline in Banshenglou, just to get such a title.

This is to tell Qin Zhuiyue and Chu Mubai implicitly that there is only half a lifetime of fate between her and Qin Zhuiyue, and when she lets go, she should let go.

One is to have an explanation to Qin Zhuiyue, and the other is to make Chu Mubai feel at ease.

The reason why there is such a script is just to repay Qin Zhuiyue's affection for her.No matter how much, she couldn't give Qin Zhuiyue.

Chu Mubai took a deep look at Han Shushu and patted her on the shoulder, very satisfied with the answer Han Shushu gave him.

Qin Zhuiyue is also a smart person, so he naturally knew the meaning of Han Shushu's words.

He muttered incessantly, biting the words "Half Life Fate", and became infatuated for a moment...

When Chu Mubai accompanied Han Shushu out of Zhengqian Palace, Han Shushu was a little worried: "Is he going to be okay?"

Just now Qin Zhuiyue looked disheartened, could it be that she did it too obviously?
"That's a chess game he set up with his obsession. He should have expected what the final outcome will be. Girl, no matter what he ends up with, it's the path he chose." Chu Mubai lowered his eyes and looked at Han Shushu's eyebrows and eyes are focused.

When he returned to Nanchu, he would let this woman see him in her heart, and she no longer needed to think about Qin Zhuiyue.

All he can do now is endure!
No matter how jealous you are, you have to endure it.

"Thirteen, where is the doctor you're talking about?" Han Shushu took a while to regain his senses, and in the blink of an eye, he saw Chu Mubai's deep and deep eyes, as if he could suck people's souls.

Her heartbeat suddenly accelerated, and a red cloud appeared on her face.

She did not feel despised herself.They are all old couples, why does she still blush when she sees him, just like being in love.

"Why are you blushing?" Chu Mubai looked at her blushing cheeks obsessively.

Her complexion was originally fair, but at this moment her blushing appearance was even more charming, making him unable to take his eyes off her.

"No, it's just a little hot." Han Shushu didn't dare to look at Chu Mubai's face.

As soon as the words came out, she herself felt funny.

How can it be hot in such a cold day? I don't know how to find a decent excuse.

(End of this chapter)

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