Chapter 1777 The Family Has a Wild Wife (4)

After Chu Mubai finished speaking, he saw Han Shushu's pale face, this girl was very stupid.

He laughed again, patted her on the head and said: "Stupid girl, even if you become ugly, I still like you."

"You speak better than you sing, so I don't believe you." Han Shushu said sullenly.

Although her face was not the most beautiful, but at least she was pretty.If she really becomes ugly and her figure is out of shape, Chu Mubai won't blame her.

What's more, there are so many women who like him.

At this moment, she hoped that Chu Mubai did not see her becoming ugly when she was at her ugliest.

"The most regrettable thing in my life is to miss those five years of yours. Shu Shu, I wish I could be by your side at that time, watching Yuan Bao grow up in your womb, and be with you when you were in pain during childbirth. How could I not cherish such an opportunity this time?" Chu Mubai took Han Shushu into his arms, and said softly, "You won't know what this means to me, and neither will you. I am so blessed to have met you in my life."

When people get old and fade, if he is a person who only cares about appearance, he will naturally not be fascinated by this dead girl.

Han Shushu nestled in Chu Mubai's warm embrace, deeply absorbed his pleasant smell, and felt at ease like never before.

"I just don't want you to see me at my ugliest. When the child is born, there will be fat on my abdomen, and I will be ugly at that time." She said her hidden worries in a muffled voice.

Which woman does not want to be the most beautiful in the eyes of the man she loves, but pregnancy will always affect the body.

Especially for a man like Chu Mubai, every woman around him is beautiful.She does not seek the most beautiful, but only seeks not to be too ugly.

After all, she actually has a little inferiority complex.

"I see. I don't have confidence because you are in love."

As soon as Chu Mubai said this, he attracted Han Shushu's palm to serve him.

This guy is so narcissistic!
When she was washing up, she remembered the question Chu Mubai didn't answer last night, so she said again: "Why are you pretending to be dead?"

Chu Mubai's eyes flickered slightly, and there were complex emotions in her eyes that she couldn't understand.

"According to the days, he should be here soon. When you see him, you will know the reason." Chu Mubai said, ruffling her hair.

Han Shushu's dark, jewel-like eyes made him a little guilty. He avoided her clear eyes, not sure whether his decision was right or wrong.

It's just that there are some things, some things must be faced, and escaping cannot solve the problem.

Han Shushu noticed Chu Mubai's flickering eyes.

Who would make Chu Mubai jealous?
A person's face flashed before her eyes, and her heart sank continuously.

After that, she went to the Zhenggan Palace, restless.

Qin Zhuiyue was at his desk reviewing the memorial, and every time he raised his eyes, he saw Han Shushu's dumbfounded look.

"It's been half an hour, and you haven't written a word." Qin Zhuiyue reminded softly.

It's rare for her to lose her composure. At this moment, is she thinking about Chu Mubai? But according to his instinct, he doesn't think so.

Han Shushu regained consciousness from the trance, only to see that the ink stained the white rice paper, she hurriedly threw away the rice paper and pretended to be busy.

"What distracted you, tell me!" Qin Zhuiyue walked to Han Shushu's side and asked with downcast eyes.

From his angle of view, he could see Han Shushu's beautiful and slender white jade neck, which made his eyes darken slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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