Chapter 1781 Blasphemy (1)

"I'm dizzy..." The next moment, Qin Zhuiyue fell directly into the snow, making a loud "bang".

Han Shushu didn't dare to pretend she couldn't hear him this time, she quickly ran back to Qin Zhuiyue and helped him up: "Are you okay, did you fall somewhere?"

She looked at the back of Qin Zhuiyue's head, afraid that he might have a concussion from the fall just now.

Naturally, Qin Zhuiyue would not miss this good opportunity to steal fragrance and jade, so he leaned against Han Shushu's limp arms, pretending to be weak: "I'm a little dizzy..."

"Let me help you to sit in the pavilion for a while." Han Shushu took Qin Zhuiyue's pulse and felt that there was nothing serious.

If Qin Zhuiyue hadn't touched her during this period, she really suspected that he was pretending!

"Shu'er, I'm afraid my body is going to die." Qin Zhuiyue sighed faintly, his gloomy eyes fixed on Han Shushu's face.

"What stupid words are you talking about? You haven't practiced Xuantian City martial arts for a long time. As long as you pay attention in the future, it won't be a big problem to temporarily suppress it. What's more, as long as..."

Han Shushu paused and did not continue.

"What's the matter?" Qin Zhuiyue naturally saw that Han Shushu's expression was strange.

In recent days, Han Shushu's mood has been a little abnormal, and he can tell that he has something on his mind.

"Just don't think about it. I'm sure, you, the real dragon emperor, can live a long life!" Han Shushu said, took out the silver needles that he carried with him, and injected them into several major acupuncture points on his head.

Qin Zhuiyue was pretending to be ill at first, but after Han Shushu's skillful hands applied the needles, he felt that his mind was indeed much clearer.

"You are good at medical skills." He sighed unconsciously.

"I have studied medicine and drug production seriously, but my aptitude is mediocre, and it is difficult to make great progress. I am also a person with no ambitions. I learn these things just to protect myself." Han Shushu did not speak big this time.

She has been a person with no big ambitions since she was a child, without ambition or ambition.If she hadn't experienced the accident six years ago, she would not have become the current Han Shushu.

"Shu'er, I hope you know nothing and be more stupid." Qin Zhuiyue whispered silently.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for Han Shushu to run away from his palm that time, causing him to miss the best opportunity to get her body.

"Are you better? Why don't you invite some palace servants to dance in the plum garden to relieve your boredom?" Han Shushu changed the subject.

Maybe suddenly there will be a beauty that interests Qin Zhuiyue.The world is impermanent, and this is also true.

"Forget it, Zhunzao!" Qin Zhuiyue took a deep look at Han Shushu, and naturally knew what she was up to.

The emperor gave the order, and the people below naturally did not dare to neglect.

Soon, a group of beauties who were as beautiful as flowers and in full bloom entered the plum garden, singing and dancing in the open space.

With the snowflakes and plum blossoms falling from the branches, coupled with the enchanting beauties dancing in the plum garden, it is a rare beauty in prosperity.

Han Shushu was fascinated by watching, and he didn't forget to secretly look at Qin Zhuiyue's expression.

Qin Zhuiyue found a comfortable chair to rest, with a lazy posture and a smile on his lips, looking in a good mood.Compared with the lifelessness of the previous few days, it was a thousand times better.

This is exactly what Han Shushu wanted to achieve.

As long as Qin Zhuiyue has a good attitude and is active in doing things, everything can turn around.

"Shu'er, you are meritorious for serving me, and I reward you to sit beside me." Qin Zhuiyue waved to Han Shushu.

The smile on Han Shushu's face disappeared quickly at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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