Chapter 1785 Imperial Wife Art (1)

Han Shushu washed absently, and found that Chu Mubai hadn't returned to his room to rest all night.

She was a little sluggish, coupled with a bad spirit, she fell ill on the couch for a while.

Not long after, she felt something strange behind her.

She turned her head quickly, only to see Qin Zhuiyue entering the room from time to time.

She jumped up almost immediately, staring at Qin Zhuiyue warily.

I have been alone with Qin Zhuiyue before, and even helped him change clothes, but I have never tried to be so cramped like this moment.

"Shu'er, do you miss me?" Qin Zhuiyue leaned over slightly, and smiled wickedly at her, showing a big mouthful of white teeth.

When Han Shushu saw this face and his eyes, he remembered the scene where he gave him a contemptuous look in Meiyuan yesterday. For a while, he felt a chill and got goosebumps all over his body.

"Don't dare to look at me, you must be shy." Qin Zhuiyue took a step closer to Han Shushu.

Han Shushu resisted the urge to retreat, she closed her eyes slightly, and when she opened them again, she looked at Qin Zhuiyue coldly, and said word by word: "Is it interesting to play like this?"

"Silly girl, I'm not playing. I like you so much, how can I be willing to play with you? I'm not afraid to tell you that I had a wet dream last night, and I had the same dream all night..."

"Qin Zhuiyue, you're never finished!" Han Shushu coldly interrupted Qin Zhuiyue's nagging, and glared at her.

Qin Zhuiyue saw Han Shushu becoming angry from embarrassment, and his gaze was fixed on her bright red lips: "I raped you in my dream yesterday—"

Han Shushu slammed Qin Zhuiyue's face hard: "Dirty!"

She performed lightness kung fu and flew away.

Qin Zhuiyue touched his painful face from being slapped by Han Shushu, and sighed lightly: "Even the slap is so vigorous, why don't I like you?"

He had indeed had a spring dream last night. In the dream, he took Han Shushu's body fiercely, and the girl was still crying and begging him for mercy.The more she begged for mercy, the more excited he was, wishing he could tear her apart...

He played in Meiyuan once yesterday, but he also played himself in it.

Since he started eating meat, he has never tasted any kind of woman, only Han Shushu, who he can't kiss, has really become a heart disease that he can't get rid of.

For a moment, Qin Zhuiyue was lost in thought.He looked at the bed that Han Shushu had slept on just now, and he was lying on it by accident, and he felt angry...

Qin Changting found Han Shushu in the Imperial Garden.

Seeing Han Shushu's distraught look, she leaned forward and asked, "What are you looking at?"

Han Shushu glanced back at her, and replied in a muffled voice, "It's nothing, I miss my son."

She must fail Qin Zhuiyue in this life, so why do she continue to do useless work?
It turned out that Qin Zhuiyue had paid too much because of her, but now he realized that if this continues, he will only push the most important person to him further and further away.

"Do you want to go back?" Qin Changting heard the deep meaning in Han Shushu's words.

"Well, I'm homesick. It's because I'm overthinking my capabilities. I always think that it would be great if everything in the world could be balanced and everyone could be happy. In fact, there are not so many happy people and things in this world. I'm being hypocritical. "Han Shushu took a deep breath.

"It's not your fault. Any woman would be moved when she meets a man like Brother Huang. I have to say that Brother Huang changed a lot when he met you. You are his catastrophe. It is a blessing to get through it." If you can't get over it, it's calamity." Qin Changting patted Han Shushu's shoulder lightly: "Let's go, it's cold, let's go back."

(End of this chapter)

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