The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1789 Beauty is not enough, work hard to make up

Chapter 1789 Beauty is not enough, work hard to make up (2)

"I'm rubbing your back for you, why do you turn around?" Han Shushu was panting with exhaustion, but saw Chu Mubai's dead fish face pointed at him again.

When Chu Mubai was silent, it was really difficult to communicate, and he didn't know what was going on in his heart, anyway, he just looked at him for a long time and panicked.

Han Shushu had no choice but to run behind Chu Mubai and continue to rub his back.

Pity her as a pregnant woman, who is usually spoiled and spoiled, but now she has to drag the child in her womb to please the child's father.Sure enough, people can't do wrong things, otherwise she would enjoy Chu Mubai's service.

At this moment, Han Shushu was imagining how he would enslave Chu Mubai after coaxing him.

"Honey, it's almost done. Get up and wipe yourself. I'm exhausted." Han Shushu never noticed Chu Mubai's wolfish eyes fixed on his chest. He threw down the rubbing towel and walked aside to rest his legs. Son.

Chu Mubai looked at a part of his body that was clamoring, and wondered whether he should follow his own mind.

"What are you doing? After washing and dressing, you don't want me to take care of you. My old waist is about to break." Seeing that Chu Mubai was still acting stupid, Han Shushu yelled at him.

Only then did Chu Mubai come back to his senses, he got out of the bathtub, and then walked slowly naked.

Han Shushu stared straight, almost nosebleed.

It's definitely not her problem, but Chu Mubai's elegant walk without clothes is so coquettish, and a strong hormonal aura emanates from her whole body, which makes her throat tighten, and she really wants to pounce on this delicious and handsome man in front of her. Down, ruthlessly ravage him and ravage him!
But she has a lustful heart but no courage, after all, the beautiful man looks at her like he is looking at a fly, and he hates her very much!

This exhibitionist, since he didn't intend to be eaten by her, why bother to dangle in front of her naked, as if she has good self-control?
She was complaining fiercely in her heart when Chu Mubai threw the scarf on her head.

She took it off and asked angrily, "Why?!"

Chu Mubai said nothing, and pointed to his body, his eyes were as cold as he wanted.

Han Shushu was depressed again, she was not a roundworm in his stomach, and she couldn't communicate with him through eyes.

Of course, I can only guess, this boring man probably asked her to help him wipe his body.

Moaning, she stepped forward to help him wipe the water stains off his body, and when she saw the important parts of his body, her eyes were full of wolves.

After studying for a while, she came to a conclusion: Damn, this thing is ugly!

The funniest thing was that under her stare, the thing was reacting quickly, and she was both annoyed and amused when she saw it.

Even if this man with poor self-control is good at pretending, his body reaction can't fool her.

So, with a plan in mind, she threw the towel back on him: "Wipe it yourself, I'm exhausted."

She supported her waist, expressing that she was really tired.

She turned around and was about to leave, but Chu Mubai suddenly grabbed her wrist with such force that she almost broke her hand.

"Why, you still want to rape me, a pregnant woman..." When she saw the fierce light in Chu Mubai's eyes, she stopped talking tactfully.

Damn it, he didn't mean to kill her, did he?

Just when she was thinking about whether to run in fear, Chu Mubai suddenly grabbed her by the collar and tore her clothes off with force.When she couldn't react in time, he stripped her naked in twos and twos.

"Damn it, I'm pregnant..."

(End of this chapter)

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