The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 1800 This person is so stupid!

Chapter 1800 This person is so stupid! (3)

After Han Shushu finished speaking, he left without looking back.

As soon as she left, Cailian fell powerlessly to the ground, tears streaming down her face.

It took a while for her to get up, treat the wounds on her body, and return to the Qian Palace.

When she told Han Shushu in detail, she thought that Qin Zhuiyue would be angry, but her master smiled: "This seems like something she would do. Shu'er has always had a personality, and she doesn't want to come to see me. Within reason."

Cailian was speechless for a moment.

"Forget it, the big deal is that I will condescend and go see her." Qin Zhuiyue left Zhengqian Palace after finishing speaking.

When they got to the Chang'an Pavilion, Chu Mubai waited leisurely at the door, and the two confronted each other.

"You can go in, as long as you beat me." Chu Mubai said calmly.

Qin Zhuiyue sneered, and with a wave of his hand, several guards rushed towards Chu Mubai.

It's a pity that they couldn't get close to Chu Mubai, someone stood in front of Chu Mubai.

So, a group of people waited to fight outside Chang'an Pavilion.

Qin Changting watched the excitement from a distance for a while, then ran to Han Shushu to chat gossip: "Shushu, Brother Huang and Chu Mubai fought again because of you, do you want to try to persuade them?"

Han Shushu was eating fruit, she shook her head: "Not interested."

What's so interesting about fighting? She needs to carry out normal prenatal education and tell her baby that she will be a lady when she grows up.

As for those two childish men, they were all the same, and they would naturally stop when they were tired.

"By the way, I heard that Prime Minister Han has resigned." Qin Changting tactfully changed the subject.

Han Shushu stopped eating the fruit: "Really?"

This may be the best ending for the Han family.

"The Han family is fine, and the whole family moved out of the capital. By the way, do you want to send Prime Minister Han off?" Qin Changting asked.

Han Shushu shook his head lightly: "Since I went to Nanchu, I have nothing to do with Mr. Han's family. I'm reading the pregnancy raising book, don't bother me."

She doesn't want to talk about it.

She has no relationship with Han Quzhi's family, and she has been away from Beiqin for so many years, let alone have any relationship.

"When can we go back to Southern Chu?" Qin Changting sighed softly, suddenly thinking of Chu Yingchen a little bit.

Han Shushu laughed when he heard this: "It should be soon. When Qin Zhuiyue's condition improves, we will return to Southern Chu, and then you will be able to see your Chu Yingchen."

"It's been a long time since I've been away from him this time, so I don't know that I like him so much." Qin Changting sighed softly, and then his eyes lit up: "Do you know that all the concubines in his mansion have been dealt with, and from now on he will only have me This regular wife. He also said that from now on, he will only spoil me, as long as I am alone..."

"You just have to piss off." Han Shushu was happy for Qin Changting from the bottom of his heart.

At least, after waiting for so many years, this woman finally got a husband who was only loyal to herself.

Qin Changting smirked blissfully for a while, and then remembered another thing: "Once Chu Yingchen accidentally mentioned that I met him when I was young, but I don't remember it at all."

If she had met Chu Yingchen before, she should have an impression, why she still couldn't remember the relationship between herself and Chu Yingchen.

"I also know about this. At that time, Shisan hadn't yet become king. Chu Yingchen found Shisan on Huafang and said that if Shisan became emperor one day, he would promise you to him. I remember that he I said that I had a relationship with you before. It must be because of this that you and him were able to reconnect after many years."

(End of this chapter)

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