Chapter 221 Arranged Marriage
Qin Zhuiyue said this on purpose and listened to Han Shu alone, just to let her see the current situation clearly.

This woman is still imagining that she can go out of the palace and have a good time.

Han Shu's face changed again and again.

That's right, she actually forgot that Qin Zhuiyue was going to ascend the throne soon.As soon as he came to the throne, no one would dare to say anything wrong with him even if he robbed the women of the people.

That's the end of it, if he let her serve him in bed, wouldn't she have to obediently dedicate her body?

But she doesn't like Qin Zhuiyue. She wants to fall in love freely and doesn't want such an arranged marriage.

If she wants to chase the moon with Qin, she might as well be with that eunuch Shisan.

Damn Thirteen, she left her at the critical moment and left. Speaking of this, she was even angrier. Men are unreliable creatures.

On weekdays, she provoked a lot of enemies, and after the provocation was over, she was asked to face these enemies alone.

It's not an option to fight like this.She has no strength to restrain a chicken, and she can't beat Qin Zhuiyue.In terms of power, it is even more impossible for her to beat the king of a country.

Forget it, outsmart it.

Figured this out, Han Shu quickly put on a smiling face and flattered Qin Zhuiyue: "Your Highness, I have been reading a book today."

"What book?" Seeing Han Shu's smile, Qin Zhuiyue asked in cooperation with her.

Although he laughed insincerely, his attitude was better than Cai Cai's just now. This is also progress and deserves to be commended.

"It's about the story of sworn brothers and sisters. I also checked your and my birthdates, we two are very suitable to be brothers and sisters with different surnames." Han Shu said with a smile.

If they were sworn brothers, they would be brothers and sisters, so Qin Zhuiyue wouldn't be planning on her body, would he?
"But I don't lack younger sisters, so I don't need to be sworn brothers."

Qin Zhuiyue straightened her expression, and walked towards the study with her hands tied: "Come here, I have important matters to attend to, and you will wait on me."

The moment he turned around, a smile appeared in the corner of his eyes.

It's a good feeling to be superior, and she needs to be trained well.Even if she is unwilling, why don't she obediently follow her to serve her?

Han Shu stared fiercely at Qin Zhuiyue's back.

What's so great, isn't it just being an emperor?Thirteen still wants to be the emperor, so he is not as arrogant as the one surnamed Qin.

Thirteen was very low-key and would not order her to do this or that.

Although very reluctant, she still lowered her body and followed into the study.

As soon as she entered, all the maids and eunuchs serving inside left.

How unsafe is this lonely man and widow?

"I still have a lot of memorials to review, come and help me study ink."

Qin Zhuiyue leaned over his desk and gave orders without looking up.

Han Shu walked slowly to the desk. It was the first time for her to do ink research, and she had only seen it on TV before.

I really don't know what's so good about this ink, can't I invent a machine to do this dull work?
After standing for a short time, she yawned frequently and couldn't open her eyes.

She was really sleepy. Seeing that Qin Zhuiyue was seriously reviewing the memorial, she didn't seem to have time to pay attention to her, so she moved her position quietly, hooked a stool with her toes, and sat down firmly.

As soon as she sat down, she felt that Qin Zhuiyue seemed to be looking at her.

She looked over, but saw that Qin Zhuiyue was seriously bent over his desk, as if he didn't pay attention to her at all.

After the stool is stained, the drowsiness will strike faster.She yawned a little, and fell asleep lying on the edge of the desk before she knew it.

She didn't know that Qin Zhuiyue had been secretly watching her every move.In addition, her movements are so big that you can't see them if you are blind.

(End of this chapter)

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