Chapter 258 The First Return Gift

The heart-piercing pain made Zhao Xuan scream, but it couldn't relieve the pain in the slightest.

Qiu Shisan looked down at the twitching Zhao Xuan with cold eyes, and slightly parted his thin lips: "You know that the biggest characteristic of the corpse-dividing Gu is that it makes life worse than death. So far, only you have the honor to be served by it..."

As soon as Zhao Xuan heard the words "dividing the corpse", Zhao Xuan's heart sank.

This is just a legendary poison. It is said that people who have been infected by this kind of Gu can't die all year round, but they have to bear the pain that the Gu worm injects on their body every day.

Every day, the pain became more severe, it was torture like purgatory.

"I said, I said..."

Zhao Xuan's psychological defense was completely defeated and he begged for mercy loudly.

Qiu Shisan loosened the strength on his legs, and Zhao Xuan struggled to get up, his face had been seeped into mud and gravel, it was horrible.

"Because the emperor never forgets Miss Han, I am afraid that the emperor will miss a big deal because of a woman, so I have murderous thoughts about Miss Han..."

Under Qiu Shisan's cold gaze, Zhao Xuan's voice became smaller and smaller.

It would be impossible to hide from this person in front of him. You can tell by the look in this person's eyes that he doesn't believe his own words.

"Zhao Xuan, you can be called a loyal servant. There is no shortage of loyal servants around me, and I understand their thoughts. A loyal servant will never touch his master. This is the most important job of a loyal servant. Tell me, who is it?" Instruct you. Speak out, and I will make your death a little easier!"

Zhao Xuan sighed softly in his heart.

Ever since someone sent word to him that day, he knew that if he fell into Qiu Shisan's hands, he would die a terrible death.

It's just that he didn't expect this day to come so soon.

"It's the Empress Dowager. The Empress Dowager thinks that Ms. Han is already the princess of Nanyang, but she doesn't abide by women's ways and seduces the emperor. In addition, the emperor is becoming more and more infatuated with Miss Han, which touches the empress dowager's rebellion even more. .After Miss Han entered the palace, the Empress Dowager even sent assassins to assassinate Miss Han, but it was a pity that she died without a problem."

Zhao Xuan didn't dare to look at Qiu Shisan again.

"Sure enough, it's her! Now, there's a good show to watch."

Qiu Shisan made a icy smile.

With a wave of his long sword, Zhao Xuan let out a scream.

Under this sword, one of Zhao Xuan's arms was taken off by Qiu Shisansheng.

"Immediately send this hand to the Palace of Chengqian, and give it to Qin Zhuiyue as a gift in return."

Chu Yan answered yes, picked up Zhao Xuan's severed arm, and jumped towards the palace.

A quarter of an hour later, the Imperial Palace Chengqian Hall.

Qin Zhuiyue sat on the dragon chair, he was waiting, waiting for the gift that Qiu Shisan said.

Not long after, a figure as fast as lightning entered the hall, it was the man in black he had seen in Chengqian Hall before.

A bloody severed arm was thrown in front of him, it was...

"That day, the girl was poisoned by life and death, and it was your imperial bodyguard Zhao Xuan's hand. The young master took off one of his arms, and this is the first gift that the young master gave you in return."

After Chu Yan finished speaking, he quickly left the Chengqian Palace, left the palace, and returned to the South Courtyard to report.

Qin Zhuiyue looked at the severed arm in front of him with an ugly expression.He never expected that Zhao Xuan would betray him.This kind of disloyal subordinate, he should kill himself!
"Your Majesty, is there any misunderstanding?" Cailian whispered to break the silence.

Zhao Xuan couldn't have done this.

Zhao Xuan has been with Qin Zhuiyue for so many years, how could he do such a stupid thing?He should know how much Qin Zhuiyue cared about Han Shu, so why would he send an assassin to assassinate Han Shu? Isn't this the same as betrayal?
(End of this chapter)

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