The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 267 Breaking into the Golden Palace

Chapter 267 Breaking into the Golden Palace
It wasn't until the sedan chair bearer took her and Qiu Shisan into the air, and the way forward became more and more familiar, that she was surprised that Qiu Shisan was going to take her into the palace.

Well done, why did this man bring her into the palace?
This time, she didn't ask much.

Since Thirteen wanted to bring her into the palace, he must have his own plans.Entering the palace at this time may just happen to be the morning time.

Did Thirteen want to break into the Golden Palace? !
This thought suddenly flashed through her mind, and she was a little flustered.

"Thirteen, are we going to the Golden Luan Hall?" She asked in a low voice, feeling a little nervous.

That was the place where Qin Zhuiyue and the civil and military officials of the Northern Qin Dynasty used to court early. If Qiu Shisan really wanted to take her there, it might make things worse.

"Don't you want to go?" Thirteen looked at Han Shu with far-sighted eyes.

"It doesn't seem appropriate for us to go, after all, it's the place of the early court." Han Shu muttered, avoiding Shisan's sight.

"After staying in Beiqin for such a long time, we should bid farewell to Qin Zhuiyue. He treated us with courtesy before, so we naturally have to return the courtesy to him. This is called reciprocity." Qiu Shisan paused, "Or, are you reluctant to part with him? "

Han Shu hurriedly shook his head: "Just kidding, I'm not reluctant!"

This joke is not funny, she can't repay Qin Zhuiyue's love for her, every time she sees him, she always feels that she owes him, and she just wants to stay away from him.

Qiu Shisan nodded approvingly, and looked at the Beiqin Imperial Palace in front of him through the misty curtain.

In this battle, the entanglement between him and Qin Zhuiyue came to an end for the time being.This time, I vowed to do it.

He said that to return the gift, the gift must be given in person.

The four people who carried the sedan chair were extremely light-hearted, and they flew directly over the palace wall and arrived in front of the Golden Luan Hall.

The sudden appearance of the soft sedan chair made the guards in front of the Jinluan Hall stand ready until Qiu Shisan took Han Shu's hand to get off the soft sedan chair, and the two walked into the middle of the crowd.

Seeing such a big battle, Han Shu felt a little guilty. Isn't it too disrespectful to Qin Zhuiyue to step on the field like this.

It's too loud!
She subconsciously hid behind Thirteen.The sky fell, and a tall man helped her up.

Who would have thought that Qiu Shisan, who kills thousands of swords, would bring her up to him the next moment, and let her, a little person, open the way, it's really unreasonable!

If these archers shot suddenly, wouldn't she be stabbed into a hornet's nest?

"Young master, why don't we come again next time, it seems that today is not an auspicious time to step on the field."

Han Shu suggested in a low voice, her legs were shaking spinelessly.

If anyone of these imperial guards cut her with a sword, she would not be able to survive tomorrow.

In addition, Thirteen can't use force casually, she thought, life-saving is the most important thing.

The news that Qiu Shisan and Han Shu came together outside the Jinluan Palace reached Qin Zhuiyue's ears immediately.

He issued an order to the chief eunuch to let Qiu Shisan and Han Shu in.

Except for that night when Zhao Xuan's arm was sent to the Chengqian Palace, Qiu Shisan did not move.

He knew that Qiu Shisan would definitely have something to say.

No, Qiu Shisan came to the Golden Luan Hall today, and this person even found Han Shu.

The woman he had tried so hard to hide was unexpectedly easily found by Qiu Shisan in such a short period of time.

What method Qiu Shisan used to find Jing'antang was what he wanted to know most.

This time, Qiu Shisan probably came prepared.

"The thirteenth prince of Xuannan Chu and Han Shu enter the Golden Luan Hall!!" The voice of the chief eunuch echoed in the air.

At the same time, the Praetorian turned sideways and made way for a path.

(End of this chapter)

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