Chapter 340 Love
Han Shushu looked dazed.

After a long time, she didn't know which kind of feeling she had for Shisan.

She just hoped that that person could get everything he wanted, even if it was to overturn the world and lose the common people.

Chu Shiyu took a deep look at Han Shushu who was immersed in his own thoughts, and walked away.

Ning Xiang quietly followed Chu Shiyu, and asked softly, "Is Master unhappy?"

She always felt that Chu Shiyu was too quiet, unlike his usual manner.

It seems that because Han Shushu said that he likes Thirteen, Chu Shiyu's mood became a little depressed. Could it be that Chu Shiyu has feelings for Han Shushu?

This thought was fleeting, and she immediately denied her absurd idea.

Absolutely impossible, Han Shushu has only entered the East Palace for a few days, how could he attract Chu Shiyu, who is above the top?

"What's better about Chu Shisan than Qin Zhuyue? Qin Zhuiyue is obviously an emperor, but she actually chose Chu Shisan over Qin Zhuiyue, an eunuch. There really are such stupid women in the world."

What flashed before Chu Shiyu's eyes was Chu Shisan's clean and elegant face.

His memory of Chu Shisan still stays in his childhood.

At that time, they were both princes, they were favored by Emperor Chu Yan, and they had a good time.If he and Chu Shisan grew up together regardless of the incident that happened later, they might become good brothers.

Yes, that accident changed Chu Shisan's life.

Concubine De and Emperor Chu Yan were such an enviable couple.

Emperor Chu Yan had a special liking for Concubine De, even though he had three thousand harems, he only favored Concubine De.At that time, Concubine De and Concubine De's mother's family, the Pan clan, were unrivaled in the court.

Later, Concubine De was suspected of poisoning Emperor Chu Yan, and Concubine De's natal family, the Pan clan, was even suspected of treason.Since then, the Pan family disappeared overnight, and no one dared to mention the Pan family.

Concubine De and Chu Shisan were the only two who survived.

Emperor Chu Yan thought of his kindness with Concubine De, pardoned her capital crime, and exiled her to the cold palace.

As for Chu Shisan, who was taken out of the palace overnight because of his young age, he was constantly being attacked by snipers.

As for who exactly killed Chu Shisan, there are rumors that it was his mother.Others said that it was other princes and nobles, and there was another saying that Emperor Chuyan couldn't tolerate the last drop of the Pan family's blood and wanted to kill the grass.

One year after Chu Shisan was hunted down, another misfortune happened and he was castrated.

After that, Chu Shisan disappeared and disappeared for several years.When someone found him again, he was already in Beiqin's Prime Minister's Mansion and became an unknown servant in Bei Qin's Prime Minister's Mansion.

As an eunuch, Chu Shisan just faded out of people's sight, because he has been eunuched, so he is no longer a threat to everyone.

Until the news of Chu Shisan came from Northern Qin again, the eunuch unexpectedly became the successor of Xuantian City.

The spread of this news to Southern Chu undoubtedly added another element of instability to the unstable political situation.

Now that Chu Shisan is back and living in the palace, why doesn't this make him terrified?

"Perhaps the thirteenth prince has his own uniqueness. It's not surprising that Shu Shu likes the thirteenth prince. The courtiers who were lucky enough to see the thirteenth prince were all overwhelmed by his appearance."

Lai Chu Shiyu gave Ning Xiang's words a cold look.

"Ignorant women and children, shallow knowledge!"

Chu Shiyu curled his lips into a sneer.

"Master taught me the lesson." Ning Xiang didn't dare to look at Chu Shiyu again, and followed Chu Shiyu's pace, heading for the bedroom in the apse.

 First more.

(End of this chapter)

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