Chapter 384

Han Shushu couldn't help laughing again.

So, if her storybook is sold, it must be super popular.

Especially with a pair of supporting roles like her and Shisan, it adds a lot of fun to the story.


Chu Shisan's figure flashed in front of Han Shushu's eyes, and she wrote down the word "Thirteen" stroke by stroke.

The font is also correct, and the strokes are quite powerful.

After a while, Xiaocao leaned forward, and when she saw the man on the rice paper, she was surprised and surprised: "Is the young lady drawing the young master?"

It seems that it is just a simple outline, but besides Chu Shisan, who else can interpret the demeanor and temperament of the person in the painting so wonderfully?
The person in this painting is definitely the son, that's right!
"It's called a cartoon, it's just made up casually."

Han Shushu kneaded into a ball and threw it away.

He was angry with her, and she didn't plan to talk to him, at worst, the two would never get in touch with each other.

She was probably sick, so she suddenly drew the big devil.

But Xiaocao took a moment to pick up the ball of paper, sneaked out while Han Shushu was writing the novel, and handed the ball of paper to Chu Shisan.

"This is the painting that Miss just drew, is it Young Master?!"

Xiaocao quietly looked at Chu Shisan's expression.

Chu Shisan unfolded the rice paper, and saw that the person in the painting was a man in white clothes with flowing skirts.The man in the painting has an outstanding temperament, picturesque eyebrows and eyes, ethereal as a fairy.He is defiant, seemingly flamboyant, yet forbearing...

It turned out that the woman could draw, and under her simple brush and ink, he was so vivid.

"Master, you should be nicer to Miss. Miss is just careless and a bit slow, but Miss is not stupid at all."

After a few words of persuasion, Xiaocao backed away.

Chu Shisan looked at himself in the painting for a long time.He knew Xiaocao's words were reasonable, Shu Shu was not stupid, she was just slow in some aspects.

Maybe it was because she had been emotionally hurt, so she was protecting herself very carefully, so that no one could hurt her again...

It's just that recently he was thinking, maybe he should use another way to let her know that he might be different in her heart.

If not, why didn't she go to sleep last night and insisted on waiting for him?

Otherwise, how could she be so happy seeing him today?

She obviously cared about him, even if it wasn't much, she still cared, and he cherished this affection very much.

That night, before Han Shushu went to bed, he couldn't see Chu Shisan again.

It turned out that even if the two of them were in Liuhexuan, if someone really wanted to avoid her, they would not be able to see her.

Before going to bed, Han Shushu was a little melancholy.

She decided that she would torture Chu Shisan in the book if she felt unhappy in the future. It would be best to make him die of pain, and finally let him die alone!
The first thing Han Shushu did after getting up the next day was to write a novel. She was busy abusing Thirteen in the novel.After all, some people are not abusive!
In this way, time passed quickly, and the day of the family banquet arrived in the blink of an eye.

Han Shushu originally wanted to wear a relatively plain palace skirt like Xiaocao.After all, in the palace, she is not easy to show off, so she can't dress up in a fancy way, can she?
She wanted to keep a low profile, but Xiaocao snatched the palace skirt from her hand and threw her a set of rustic auntie skirts.

"It's useless for the young lady to stare at the servant girl, this is what the young master meant."

Xiaocao explained in a low voice.

This is the dress that Chu Shisan prepared for Han Shushun early in the morning. There is no other choice but this one.

(End of this chapter)

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