Chapter 429 Cruel torture (2)

Chu Shisan ordered in a deep voice.

Chu Yun didn't dare to neglect, and took the order to leave.

When Chu Shisan returned to the south courtyard, he saw Han Shushu sitting under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree playing with mud.

Such a big woman can play in mud so happily by herself.

Looking at the girl who was enjoying herself from a distance, Chu Shisan felt tenderness in his eyebrows and eyes. If time could stop here, this life would not be in vain.

Han Shushu soon discovered the existence of Chu Shisan, and quickly ran to him: "San Shisan, you are back. What's the matter, have you been scolded by the emperor?"

"Are you waiting for me here?" Chu Shisan took her hand and simply washed her dirty hands.

Seeing Chu Shisan being so gentle and meticulous, Han Shushu narrowed his eyes with a smile, and suddenly felt very happy.She is so honored that a big man like Shisan can help her wash her hands.

When Chu Shisan looked up, he saw Han Shushu grinning silly.

This girl is really easy to satisfy.

He wiped away the water stains on her jade palm with his cuff, and said softly: "You really have nothing to do, but you actually play in the mud. Do you know how old you are?"

"I just waited for you to get bored, so I played casually. Xiaocao told me to wait here, and said that it would make you happy. Of course, if you are happy, I can live a good life."

Han Shushu was very happy in his heart, knowing that he was different in Shisan's heart.

Thirteen has never been so kind to other people, so gentle and caring, why didn't she have such a deep understanding before?

Chu Shisan pulled Han Shushu to sit down and asked after a long silence, "Shushu, what do you think of the emperor?"

Han Shushu was a little surprised when Chu Shisan called Emperor Chu Yan the emperor.

After all, Emperor Chu Yan is also Chu Shisan's father, so it feels strange to be called the emperor.

"At first glance, you can tell that he is not an ordinary person. I feel that he has a deep city. What's more, he is very poisonous, super poisonous!"

"how do I say this?"

Chu Shisan became interested.

The reason why Han Shushu was asked this question was because he felt that Han Shushu, as an outsider, might see more clearly than him.

"Think about it, when you were so young, he even sent people to hunt you down, and even killed all of Concubine De's clansmen, leaving no room for it. I think the emperor might have wanted to kill the grass and root it out! Even if he sent people to chase you down many years ago It wasn't the emperor who killed you, it was a bad act with his tacit consent."

Han Shushu replied coldly.

In fact, she didn't dare to say these words before, because she was afraid that Chu Shisan would think she was troublesome.

Now that Chu Shisan asked herself, she would of course express her truest thoughts.

"You girl is indeed more transparent. Did you know that he might also be practicing Xuantian Sha..."

"What did you say?!"

Han Shushu was quite frightened when he heard this.

How could it be possible for Emperor Chuyan to be the evil spirit of Xuantian?
"Practicing Xuantian Zhisha is to cleanse the whole body's blood energy, which is equivalent to exchanging blood. Today I saw that his thumb is abnormal, which is the same as when I practiced Xuantian Zhisha. It's just that his blood clots are more obvious, maybe there is no blood. Or, the martial arts he practices are not authentic."

Chu Shisan said all the questions that Emperor Chu Yan asked him.

Han Shushu has a rich expression and sighs from time to time. He just wants to laugh when he hears it.

Presumably this girl listened to these as stories?

"I see. A certain woman in Xuantian City must have had an affair with your emperor!"

Han Shushu slapped his thigh and made a conclusion.

Chu Shisan laughed: "Where did you get your confidence?"

(End of this chapter)

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