Chapter 431 Cruel torture (3)

Hearing that Emperor Chuyan was able to pull down the prince at that time, Ruoyun put in a lot of effort.

In the end, Emperor Chu Yan ascended the throne of God, but the woman named Ruoyun disappeared, and there was no news from then on.

It is also heard that most of the many concubines conferred by Emperor Chu Yan later resembled Ruoyun in temperament and appearance.Among them, Chu Yufeng's mother, Concubine Xian, and Chu Shisan's mother, Concubine De, their charms are very similar to Na Ruoyun.

"Sit down obediently for me first, don't interrupt."

Chu Shisan put the restless Han Shushu on the grand teacher's chair, and motioned Chu Yun to continue talking.

"The humble official also inquired about one thing. The death of the concubine Xian is likely to be inseparable from the emperor. I heard that only the concubine Xian and the emperor were in the Shangxin Pavilion at that time. There were rumors in the palace that the concubine committed suicide. But the result of my investigation is that When the concubine Xian fell into the lake, the emperor was still in the pavilion, so the emperor would have no evidence of his alibi."

I don't know what Concubine Xian did at that time, which angered Emperor Chu Yan and made Emperor Chu Yan kill the person next to him with his own hands.

What's more, it was later claimed that Concubine Xian committed suicide by jumping into the lake.

At that time, Emperor Chu Yan was the king of a country. Isn't it as easy to kill a person as to crush an ant?
It must have happened so suddenly that Emperor Chu Yan killed him, and later used the concubine Xian to commit suicide to cover up the truth.

"Thirteen, I finally know why you are so cruel and merciless. You have completely inherited the viciousness of the emperor!"

Han Shushu couldn't help saying another word from the bottom of his heart.

She thought that the only person who had learned the truth about Emperor Chu Yan's viciousness was probably only the prince Thirteen.

Chu Shiyu is also very poisonous, but in terms of deep and vicious, Chu Shiyu is not worthy of playing shoes for Chu Shisan.

Seeing that Chu Shisan and Chu Yun were looking at her coldly, she hurriedly backed away: "Okay, you guys continue to discuss, I will leave."

The truth cannot be told, after all, it is not pleasant.

That night.

Han Shushu was about to take a rest after taking a bath, when Chu Yun suddenly came again and smiled at her viciously and ambiguously.

"what do you want to do?"

Han Shushu looked at Chu Yun coldly, and suddenly felt that nothing good would happen.

Recently, Chu Yun seemed to be a completely different person compared to before. She was a little scared when he showed such a scary smile to her.

"This is a new dress made by the tailor for the girl. I've been busy today, so I forgot to send it to the girl."

As Chu Yun said, he handed a set of dresses to Han Shushu, and added in a low voice: "Young Master, I will put it on tonight. If you don't change it, you will lose your head."

Without waiting for Han Shushu to see the appearance of the dress, Chu Yun quickly left the stage.

Han Shushu didn't pay attention at first, and hid behind the screen and began to change clothes.

If she doesn't change her head, she will definitely change it.

But when she changed into the dress, she suddenly felt that the dress was very strange.

Just because the so-called dress is basically a layer of tulle, you can see exactly what you are wearing inside.

Even the pink obscene dress she was wearing underneath was clearly visible.

In fact, as a modern person, such clothes are not a big problem. After all, modern women wear cool clothes when they go out on the street.

As a modern woman, she didn't have much feeling for such clothes.

But why did Chu Shisan want her to change into such a dress?She also said that if she didn't change it, her head would be killed. As for being so cruel?

At the moment when she was slandering Chu Shisan, the Shuzhai door was pushed open, and someone entered with graceful steps.

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(End of this chapter)

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