The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 494 Kneeling and Proposing to Eat Meat

Chapter 494 Kneel down and propose to eat meat (10)

Chu Yun, who was driving the carriage in front, frowned when he heard it. This is the voice of a male duck.

I just feel sorry for the son, who will be poisoned by this woman's singing.

After singing the song, Han Shushu asked Chu Shisan with a smile, "Can I sing well?"

Chu Shisan hesitated for a moment, and finally shook his head.

It's not impossible, but extremely bad, if he didn't see her in high spirits and didn't want to spoil her interest, he would have told her to shut up early in the morning!

"Thirteen, please sing me a song, I've never heard you sing before."

Han Shushu squeezed towards Chu Shisan as he spoke.

Chu Shisan gave up his seat, but the women continued to squeeze, and finally squeezed him into the corner.Looking at her posture, she wants to sit on his lap...

"Thirteen, I'll sit on your lap, okay?"

Han Shushu didn't wait for Chu Shisan to answer, and was about to sit down on his lap.

Chu Shisan was helpless, and raised his voice: "Chu Yun, speed up!"

He moved Han Shushu away by the way.Let her sit on her lap, maybe she will find that he has a certain part.

"Thirteen, why don't you sit on my lap and I'll hug you."

Han Shushu smiled and made another suggestion.

Only by being close can it be easier to change his rigid temperament, and it can also broaden his mind, so that he will stop torturing himself like this in the future.

She wanted to transform him into a cheerful young man.

Chu Shisan pretended not to hear what Han Shushu said, and lifted the curtain to look at the street.

Han Shushu imitated the example, poked his head out and waved his plain hand at him: "Thirteen, you are so handsome!"

Chu Shisan's lips twitched, did this woman treat him as a child?

I don't know what to think in my mind all day long.

But she was so nervous about him, which made him very useful.When she is disobedient in the future, use this trick to frighten her, it will definitely work.

After finally getting to the Anqing Palace, the noisy Han Shushu was still chattering, but seeing Chu Shisan got off the carriage by himself, he didn't wait for her.

She hurriedly chased after him, and said in a stupid way: "Thirteen, don't go too fast, I can't keep up."

Instead, Chu Shisan quickened his pace and deliberately opposed her.

She chased after him furiously, and soon her breath became short of breath, which made her very tired after chasing him.

"Thirteen, thirteen, wait for me..."

She was walking on poor short legs, and only a few steps could reach him. Why are his legs so long, she really wanted to take his legs off and put them on her body...

"Thirteen, you are finally here, let me wait!"

Chu Yingchen heard that Chu Shisan was coming, and stepped forward to greet him in person.

From a distance, I saw a woman chasing after Chu Shisan, and Chu Shisan was wearing a black robe.Coupled with the stern eyebrows and the chill, he was startled at first glance, and he was afraid to look directly into Chu Shisan's eyes.

How could this person change so much all of a sudden?
Yesterday it was like a spring breeze, but today it was just a change of clothes, and it turned from a fairy to a devil.

At this moment, Chu Shisan gave him the feeling that it was really like a demon coming to the world.

Chu Shisan remained silent and never looked at Chu Yingchen.

He didn't like this person, because Chu Yingchen also had thoughts about his woman.

Such an enemy will sooner or later be wiped out!
"My lord, I'm sorry, my son is angry about getting up. I dug him out of the bed before he had slept enough, so he is not in a good mood. Your lord has a lot, so don't be fussy with your son."

Han Shushu saw such a big name as Chu Shisan, so he hurried forward and accompanied him with a bright smile.

(End of this chapter)

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