The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 598 Abandoned Prince: Not an Eunuch?

Chapter 598 Abandoned Prince: Not an Eunuch? (5)

"It should be that I dislike you. With your washboard body, do you think I really like you?"

Chu Shisan retorted lightly.

He wanted to not make this woman too proud, thinking that he couldn't live without her.

Han Shushu became more and more complacent, and just because he likes him, he doesn't take him seriously.This is an era where men are respected, and she cannot be allowed to set a precedent, thinking that he is a man of seven feet who is afraid of a woman.

He wouldn't admit to such a thing even if he was killed!

"What do you mean falling in love with me?" Han Shushu suddenly became angry, jumped up, rushed to Chu Shisan and yelled.

She thought that it was Chu Shisan who deliberately said something that could cause ambiguity.

"Go up—you?" Chu Shisan looked Han Shushu up and down: "Han Shushu, what are you pretending to be in your mind?"

This so-called "upper" word is very problematic.

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, and then he remembered that this was in ancient times, and the ancients probably would not have used such vulgar words.What's more, Thirteen is not someone who can speak dirty words...

For a moment, she was so embarrassed that she almost didn't cover her face.

She turned around weakly, crept back into bed, and lay down with her back to Chu Shisan.

It's really embarrassing to be thrown at grandma's house. She is a vulgar child, she really has a bad stomach, and she twisted such a normal sentence into this.

She is sorry for modern people, sorry for female compatriots...

"Han Shushu, tell me what this so-called 'up' means."

Chu Shisan's voice came from behind her.

Han Shushu's face changed slightly, and he really wanted to punch him.She is so embarrassing now, he still wants to ask such stupid questions.

This person is so smart, even if he didn't know what the word meant before, now that she reminds him like this, he probably already knew it?

What's more, she suspects that he knows and is deliberately teasing her now.

If he didn't speak or answer, he felt bored, so he wouldn't ask her to talk about such stupid questions again.

"Han Shushu, tell me."

Chu Shisan suddenly pulled up her long hair, and continued to exert force: "Don't pretend to be asleep, it's too fake at this time."

Han Shushu wanted to get her hair back, but Chu Shisan pulled her towards him instead, causing her to grit her teeth in pain.

This stinky rascal, why didn't he let her go?
"Honey, there's nothing special about it. I'm so sleepy, I'll go to bed first, good night."

Seeing that there was no way to pretend anymore, Han Shushu simply changed the subject.

"If you don't tell the truth today, you don't have to sleep. Otherwise, I'll fuck you first?!"

Chu Shisan suddenly asked with a smile.

Han Shushu's face changed slightly.

Such a good-looking person, with such a good temperament, actually said such vulgar words, why did she want to straighten him when he was crooked?
In fact, I can only blame myself, if it wasn't for her dirty thoughts and sudden thoughts, it wouldn't cause the current embarrassment.

"Actually, the 'up' I said means going to the sky and entering the earth, so don't get it wrong. Get some rest early, I'm really sleepy!"

Han Shushu yawned a lot as he spoke, expressing that he was really sleepy, and there was no way to continue chatting with him to relieve boredom.

In fact, she really wanted to reply to Chu Shisan. As an eunuch, even if he really wanted to have sex, there was nothing he could do.

It's just that this hurts his self-esteem too much, so she should restrain herself a bit, don't add fuel to the fire and make him unhappy.

Thinking about how quickly her style of painting changed when she got along with this person.It was still a warm style before, but it turned into a vulgar style in an instant.

Give her chills.

(End of this chapter)

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