The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 615 Happy King, Her Past Lover

Chapter 615 Happy King, Her Past Lover (2)

Han Shushu was clumsy when she crowned her hair, but she was willing to put her mind to it.Although it wasted some time, it was done, and it was better than disheveled hair before.

The early court is a very serious place. If Chu Shisan despises the imperial power, he will probably be beheaded. This person cannot die, he must live a long life...

Three quarters of an hour later, Chu Shisan appeared in the Tai Chi Hall.

When Chu Yingchen saw his loose black hair, he couldn't help joking: "Whoever tied your hair for you, it's a miracle that it can be done like this."

Chu Shisan gave Chu Yingchen a cold look.

Chu Yingchen didn't want to laugh anymore, he corrected his complexion, and said: "Look carefully, this crown hair man's craftsmanship is not bad. The main reason is that Thirteen, you are good-looking, even if your hair is disheveled, you have outstanding temperament and are outstanding."

He guessed what kind of craftsmanship it was, and he didn't think about it except Han Shushu.

After all, Chu Shisan liked everything about Han Shushu.Chu Shisan liked Han Shushu to the point of blindness.

"Thirteen, I heard that the imperial father is going to bring the illegitimate son to the Taiji Hall this morning, so that he can officially recognize his ancestor and return to his clan. What do you think about this?"

When talking about business, Chu Yingchen deliberately lowered his voice.

"It's a good thing to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan, what can I think?" Chu Shisan responded casually.

"You're really calm, you're not afraid of that illegitimate son stealing your limelight. You know, that man is now the emperor's new favorite, can you grow up?"

Chu Yingchen glared at Chu Shisan.

However, Chu Shisan's expression was peaceful, and he was completely unaffected by what he said.

Is it because Chu Shisan is indifferent to this matter, or is Chu Shisan already aware of the matter of recognizing his ancestors and returning to his clan, so he can be so calm?

After that, civil and military officials entered the Tai Chi Hall in turn.

After discussing the government affairs, Emperor Chu Yan really changed the subject, and when he got to the point, Xuan Bu Xiaoyao entered the Tai Chi Hall.

When Bu Xiaoyao, who is handsome and imposing, appeared in the Tai Chi Hall, the audience was in an uproar.

Some ministers immediately started flattering, claiming that among all the princes, Bu Xiaoyao looked the most like Emperor Chu Yan.

Bu Xiaoyao's eyes paused for a moment on Chu Shisan's face, and then he said to Emperor Chu Yan on the dragon seat: "Father, my son is a reckless person who is used to life in the Jianghu, and has never thought of recognizing his ancestors. I also ask Father to take back the imperial decree."

"I just found you, the prince, and I can't ignore it. I have already drawn up an imperial decree, and this matter cannot be discussed again."

Emperor Chu Yan looked at Zhang De, indicating that he could read the imperial decree.

After that, an imperial decree came down, and Bu Xiaoyao returned to the surname of Chu, named Xiaoyao, named Xiaoyao King, and bestowed the Xiaoyao Palace.

After the court, all civil and military officials congratulated Chu Xiaoyao one by one.It wasn't until everyone dispersed that Chu Xiaoyao went to Chu Shisan and asked, "Why don't you speak?"

"Congratulations." Chu Xiaoyao frowned at Chu Shisan's concise words.

"Are you mocking me?" Chu Xiaoyao sighed softly, "Do you believe that I am the prince of the current emperor? With such a jade pendant, you actually think that I am his prince who lives among the people."

Chu Xiaoyao said and handed his jade pendant to Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan glanced at the jade pendant, then returned the jade pendant to Chu Xiaoyao.

This jade pendant was left to him by Chu Xiaoyao's mother.Chu Xiaoyao had worn it for many years and never left his body. With a piece of jade pendant, Emperor Chu Yan decided whether Chu Xiaoyao, the prince, was true or not. Perhaps only Emperor Chu Yan knew the truth.

(End of this chapter)

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