The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 627 I don't know what to do

Chapter 627 Love Doesn’t Know Where It Begins, It Gets Deeper (4)

Chu Shisan looked coldly at the drunken Han Shushu, and remained silent.

But Han Shushu began to strip his clothes and dresses, saying that he was going to get rid of him, and that if he got his body, he could marry him...

After making a fuss for a while, Chu Shisan threw Han Shushu back on the couch.

Unexpectedly, Han Shushu rolled off the bed by himself, continued to rush towards him, hugged his thigh tightly, and begged him to marry her while crying...

When Han Shushu woke up the next day, he had a splitting headache.

She shook her head, struggled to get up, the quilt covering her body slipped off, and only then did she realize that she was naked.

"It must be Thirteen who stripped me again!"

Han Shushu hurriedly wrapped the quilt tightly and got up from the ground...

Only then did she realize something was wrong, on the ground?
After she was stripped clean by Chu Shisan last night, he threw her on the ground?

She dressed neatly in a hurry, then left Shuzhai, and was about to go to Chu Shisan to make a theory, but suddenly remembered that she met Chu Xiaoyao yesterday...

When Xiaocao entered the dormitory, she saw Han Shushu wandering in the sky.

This time before Han Shushu asked, she began to talk about Han Shushu's feat vividly.

She thought that Han Shushu would explain a few words, but Han Shushu just looked at her absent-mindedly.


Xiaocao took Han Shushu's hand and found that Han Shushu's little hand was as cold as iron.

In order to divert Han Shushu's attention, Xiaocao continued vividly: "Miss hugged the young master's leg yesterday to beg for marriage, but the young master refused to agree, so the young lady said that she wanted to occupy the young master's body, and said that occupying the land is the king... ..."

"Occupy land as king?"

Han Shushu smiled when he heard the words, this kind of words really seemed like what she would say.

"Isn't it? Everyone in the south courtyard knew that the young lady proposed to the young master, and the young master just nodded and agreed." Seeing that Han Shushu finally opened his mouth, Xiaocao was busy enlivening the atmosphere.

"Yes, if he agrees to marry me, it should be a good marriage, right?"

Han Shushu replied dispiritedly.

Chu Xiaoyao's appearance made her very uneasy.It was Luo Ying first, and then Chu Xiaoyao. She was certain that this was not just a so-called coincidence.

What she was afraid of was that one day that person would really appear, what would she do then?

"Does Miss want to marry you because of King Xiaoyao?"

The smile on Xiaocao's face disappeared.

Han Shushu remained silent.

"This is unfair to the son."

Xiaocao dropped this sentence, and opened the door with a calm and pretty face.

When she saw the man in white standing silently outside the door, her heart trembled.

Only then did Han Shushu realize that Chu Shisan was standing outside the door, thinking that he had overheard her conversation with Xiaocao, she didn't know how to face Chu Shisan for a moment.

Until Xiaocao walked away and Chu Shisan came to the bed, blocking the light in front of her eyes, she still didn't dare to look at Chu Shisan.

"This is hangover tea, after drinking it, it can relieve the headache after a hangover."

As Chu Shisan said, he handed the hangover tea to Han Shushu's lips.

Han Shushu blinked his eyes lightly, and finished drinking the hangover tea with his head buried.

Seeing her finish drinking the hangover tea, Chu Shisan wiped off the tea stains from the corners of her lips, and said softly, "The reason why you didn't agree to your marriage proposal yesterday was because you were drunk. I hope that you were conscious at that time."

Even if she wants to use him to forget another man, it's all right.

Han Shushu's eyes hurt, and he replied hoarsely: "Thirteen, a woman like me who doesn't know what's good or bad doesn't deserve your kindness to me."

She would rather he lose his temper with her like before, or punish her with violence, than accept her unconditionally now.

(End of this chapter)

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