The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 641 Eat dry and wipe clean, messy in the wind

Chapter 641 Eat dry and wipe clean, messy in the wind (8)

"Aren't you just Shushu, am I not Shushu's thirteen?"

As Chu Shisan said, he kissed Han Shushu on the forehead.

When Han Shushu was surprised, he pressed another kiss on the tip of Han Shushu's nose.

When he still wanted to kiss Han Shushu's pink lips, she turned her face and said loudly: "You are not allowed to kiss again!"

Damn Thirteen, what exactly do you want to do to tease her like this?
Does he know that if this continues, she will also be distracted?
Does he, an eunuch, understand that women also have desires, and they can't bear to be teased?
"You were born to be kissed by me."

Chu Shisan's words made Han Shushu astonished again.

Where did this guy come from?Could it be that she also learned the technique of picking up girls from her novels?But she didn't have this sentence in it.

"Shu Shu, you were born to be slept with by me!"

Chu Shisan's last sentence made Han Shushu blush.

"Where the hell did you learn these words, shameless! Anyone who wants to be born will be slept by you, and you will be the one to be slept!"

She was so embarrassed that she couldn't choose what to say, and almost spit dirty saliva on Chu Shisan's face to express her anger.

No, he is an eunuch, but he is only able to show off his tongue, why should she care?

Anyway, he wants to sleep with her, but he can't, can't he?
Thinking of this, she suddenly became enlightened, and smiled triumphantly: "Thirteen, you must have forgotten one important thing. You want to sleep with me, don't you? Come on, I'll let you sleep now, I want to see Why did you sleep with me!"

Chu Shisan laughed when he heard this.

This girl is very proud, she is sure that he has been eunuched, thinking that he is a paper test tiger who only shows off his power in words.

Just her small thoughts are written on her face.

"Shu Shu, it's what you said, I'll do it to you right now—"

Before Chu Shisan finished speaking, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

He turned his eyes and saw that Chu Xiaoyao had entered the room at some point, looking at him with a smile that was not a smile, as if saying that he took advantage of her when she didn't know what to do.

Han Shushu soon discovered Chu Xiaoyao's existence.

Walking quietly, like a ghost.

"Thirteen, this is your fault, you just want to take the opportunity to eat her because you see Shu Shu is innocent and ignorant--"

"Chu Xiaoyao, what are you doing here?!"

Chu Shisan interrupted Chu Xiaoyao's words in time.

The fact that he is not an eunuch can only be told to Han Shushu himself, and must not be conveyed through the mouth of others, even Chu Xiaoyao cannot go beyond the boundary.

"Don't you want to tie yourself up? I want to take a look before I go to bed. Now it seems that I'd better sleep here and protect her nearby. After all, she is innocent and cute, and she doesn't understand the sinister nature of human beings."

As Chu Xiaoyao said, he looked at the woman who was wrapped into a ball, and suddenly felt that she was very cute with her round eyes. No wonder Chu Shisan played with her bundle when he had nothing to do.

"Who wants your protection?" Han Shushu glared at Chu Xiaoyao, "Hurry up, it's an eyesore when you're here."

"No, if I leave, Thirteen will treat you..."

Chu Xiaoyao hesitated to speak, and looked at Chu Shisan who was warning him coldly: "San Shisan, you won't drive me away, will you?"

Chu Shisan knew that Chu Xiaoyao was threatening him.

If he opened his mouth to drive people away, Chu Xiaoyao would tell Han Shushu about his evil intentions.

It's also his fault. All the attention was focused on Han Shushu before, but he didn't realize that Chu Xiaoyao had quietly sneaked into his bedroom.

I don't know how much Chu Xiaoyao listened to, it was his mistake.

(End of this chapter)

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