The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 668 Fake eunuch, please don't rush

Chapter 668 False eunuch, please don't rush (8)

But looking at the grievances between Chu Shisan and Chu Shiyu in the past, if she really spoke, she would definitely have hurt Chu Shiyu.

Now, she hopes that in this battle for imperial power, there will still be someone who can retreat unscathed, and that person is Chu Shiyu.

"Shu Shu, do you want to follow me?"

Seeing Han Shushu unwillingly standing with Chu Shisan, Chu Shiyu couldn't help asking.

He even wanted to snatch Han Shushu into his hands, but in view of Chu Shisan's high martial arts skills, he resisted the urge to do so.

"Prince Waste, do I know you very well?" Han Shushu replied casually.

Chu Shiyu's complexion changed again and again. As soon as he heard the words "abandoned prince", he wanted to kill Han Shushu.

At that moment, he flung his sleeves away angrily, Ning Xiang hurriedly followed, and the two masters and servants quickly disappeared in the dimly lit street corner...

After Chu Shiyu walked away, Han Shushu buried his head and rushed forward.

Chu Shisan followed behind her unhurriedly, and raised his voice, "Don't you want any more gold?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yun threw all the gold on the ground.

Han Shushu didn't want to pay attention to it, but when she heard the voice, she looked back and saw the gold scattered all over the floor.

She hurriedly turned back and picked up all the gold.While picking it up, she babbled: "This is gold, how can you rich people waste money like this? You will be punished by God!"

There are still people in this world who treat money like dung, but if she has money, she would have to sleep with gold and silver in her arms every day to be at ease.

After finally picking and packing the gold, Han Shushu found that he couldn't lift it.

She said to Chu Yun who was standing beside him, "You carry it!"

Chu Yun turned his nostrils to the sky and refused to obey her orders at all.

"Chu Mubai, the person who takes care of you!" Han Shushu yelled at Chu Shisan angrily.

There are as many slaves as there are masters, and they all add to her troubles.

"Didn't you hear what Shu Shu said?" Chu Shisan glanced at Chu Yun.

Chu Yun then took the gold from Han Shushu's hand and lifted it easily.

Seeing that no gold was left behind, Han Shushu grinned happily.

Now she is a little rich woman, should she take a chance and escape?After all, staying next to this fake eunuch, her body is not safe.

I don't know when he will be in heat again, if he suddenly wants to push her down again, she will suffer a lot.

It wasn't until her hand was held in the palm of her hand that she realized that Chu Shisan was walking down the street hand in hand with her.

There were still many passers-by on the street, and they were seen holding hands and pointing at them.

Han Shushu withdrew his hand forcefully, glared at Chu Shisan, and said in a low voice, "I don't know you well, okay?"

Really, accidentally let him take advantage again.

"You are my woman." Chu Shisan raised his brows lightly, and there was also a kind of gleaming charm flowing in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Han Shushu looked away, he didn't want to see the seductive appearance when he seduced her.

Thinking about yesterday, she was deceived by the beauty of this fake eunuch like this...

When she saw a woman not far in front of her looking at Chu Shisan with her mouth wide open, she felt a little depressed.

Why are people nowadays so unable to withstand seduction?
Doesn't this person just look better? As for making these people drool? !

After severely spurning the other party, Han Shushu stepped up, thinking that the farther away from Chu Shisan the better.

"Shu Shu, walk slowly, wait for me."

Chu Shisan's voice sounded behind her, causing Han Shushu to quicken his pace.

(End of this chapter)

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