Chapter 671 Contraception (2)

"Miss, I'll just go. Miss looks very tired, rest for a while, leave this matter to me, don't worry, miss."

Xiaocao hurriedly helped Han Shushu to lie down.

Han Shushu was so tired that he couldn't keep his eyes open: "You should handle this matter better, or you might kill someone, you know?"

Xiaocao nodded vigorously, and then took the order and left.

When Han Shushu was in a drowsy sleep, he was woken up by Xiaocao.Xiaocao held a bowl of medicine in her hand, and she was about to drink it when someone pushed the door open and it was Chu Shisan.

She felt guilty for a moment, wondering if she should drink the medicine.

Speaking of it, she can't be blamed, even if he knew it was a medicine to prevent pregnancy, the reason is on her side.

Chu Shisan quickly came to her, took the medicine bowl, put it in his nose and sniffed it.

"What kind of medicine is this?"

He leaned over and looked at her intently.

Han Shushu was a little guilty, and didn't dare to look at Chu Shisan at all, and said in a murmur, "Just, let's take a tonic. Didn't you say that I am too thin, I want to drink some medicine to nourish my body."

"Watch me talk!"

Chu Shisan pinched her chin, his eyes getting colder.

Han Shushu had to look at him.From his unfriendly expression, she could see that this man knew what medicine she was drinking.

"Contraceptive pills." In the end, she answered truthfully.

"Why contraception?" Chu Shisan frowned. Does this woman not want to conceive his child?
"Aren't you an eunuch to the outside world? If I get pregnant, how much trouble will I cause?"

Han Shushu replied in a muffled voice.

If it wasn't for him to attack her suddenly, why would she take any contraceptive pill?

The ancient contraceptives are harmful to the body, and if they are not handled properly, they may be infertile for life.But apart from taking the pill, she couldn't think of any other way to prevent pregnancy.

Unless it is said that this dead embryo will not touch her again.

"If you are pregnant, it is God's will, and God's will cannot be violated!" Chu Shisan said and poured the medicine directly: "From now on, you are not allowed to take any contraceptive pills."

"It's fine if I don't drink, unless you don't touch me again!" Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan coldly.

According to how anxious this man is, it would be as difficult as heaven for him not to touch her.

"You are my woman. I want it when I want it, and I can have it when I don't want it!" Chu Shisan patted her on the head, stood up and said, "Move back to the South Courtyard immediately!"

"I don't want it!" Han Shushu was picked up by Chu Shisan before he could finish his sentence.

"Do you want to be carried out of the inn by me like this, or go back to the South Courtyard obediently, and choose by yourself."

Chu Shisan's eyes were shining, and he focused on Han Shushu's... lips.

Han Shushu hurriedly covered his mouth and nodded in a muffled voice: "I'll answer by myself, you let me down."

Looking at this pervert's eyes, I'm afraid I want to slap her again, being too close to him makes my body very insecure.

Furthermore, if she was carried out of the inn by this man, wouldn't the whole world know that she had an affair with him?
On the carriage, Chu Shisan seemed to be thinking about something.

Seeing that he was unusually silent, Han Shushu accidentally asked, "Is something wrong?"

Chu Shisan ignored her at all, didn't even look at her, and got off the carriage suddenly.

"There's something wrong!"

Han Shushu raised the curtain of the carriage and shouted at Chu Shisan's back.

Chu Shisan disappeared from her eyes in an instant.

What's the big deal, isn't it just that the light work is better?
It was fine when he was in the inn, but when he got on the carriage, he suddenly seemed to be another person. Chu Shisan was really strange.

(End of this chapter)

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