Chapter 718 Fighting fiercely, drinking dove with a smile (1)

"King Xiaoyao, I sympathize with you. With a fiancée like Shu Shu who doesn't obey women's morals, her life will be shortened by decades." Chu Shiyu gloated at the side.

At this moment, he is glad that the person Han Shushu is going to marry is not him, otherwise he will lose all face.

The world will soon know how promiscuous this woman Han Shushu is.

Chu Xiaoyao turned around and gave Chu Shiyu a hard look.

Chu Shiyu smiled: "It's useless for you to stare at me, and it's not me and your wife doing shameful things."

It was clearly Chu Shisan who robbed him, yet Chu Xiaoyao blamed him instead, which is extremely ridiculous!

Chu Xiaoyao's figure flashed, and disappeared in front of everyone in a blink of an eye.

Not long after, news about Han Shushu's disobedience to women quickly spread, and of course this matter also reached the ears of Emperor Chu Yan.

He was furious when he heard the words, and immediately ordered Chu Xiaoyao, Chu Shisan and Han Shushu to face the saint.

"Tell me, what's going on? You better tell a reason, otherwise don't blame me for turning my face and denying people!"

Emperor Chu Yan's cold eyes finally fixed on Han Shushu's face.

Han Shushu looked back calmly, and replied crisply after coming out of the line: "If you go back to the emperor, it is because the women of the people do not obey women's morals. Although the emperor gave him a marriage yesterday, the women of the people are greedy for the beauty of the son. Besides, the people of the people The girl is the son's housemate..."

"Shut up!" Emperor Chu Yan looked at Zhang De.

Zhang De understood, and when he walked up to Han Shushu, he was about to slap her on the mouth.

At this moment, Chu Shisan and Chu Xiaoyao stood in front of Han Shushu at the same time, and they looked at Zhang De coldly.

When Zhang De was stared at by the two princes, he immediately felt timid, but the Holy Majesty's will must not be violated.

"My lord and His Highness, let's get out of the way. Don't make things difficult for the old slave. The old slave is acting according to the order." Zhang Dela said with an old face.

He has been with Emperor Chu Yan for many years, why has he ever condescended to others?
He was really afraid of the two princes at the next moment.

In terms of momentum, these two people are not inferior to Emperor Chu Yan, the real dragon emperor.

"Shu Shu is my housemate. I have always been close to her. Does Nan Chu have a rule that the master can't get close to his housemate?"

Chu Shisan opened his lips indifferently, and looked at the sitting Emperor Chu Yan.

"Since yesterday, I have given marriage to Xiaoyao. How can you even touch your own brother's woman? This is a shame for the royal family! But anyone who dares to desecrate the face of the royal family, I will never scratch it lightly, no exception !"

Emperor Chu Yan yelled angrily, and veins stood out on his forehead.

"Father has never supported my son, and son doesn't know about the marriage. Just now I kissed Shushu's mouth. I just like her. Why should I let her be when she comes here? Father is partial!"

Chu Shisan said and grabbed Han Shushu's hand, looked at the stunned Han Shushu and asked, "Tell me, who do you like. Now that my father is here, my father will make decisions for you. Everyone knows, Father is a selfless and good emperor, and he will never embarrass a little weak girl!"

Chu Xiaoyao looked depressed.

The hateful Chu Shisan actually poached his corner at this time.

Emperor Yan of Chu wanted to question Han Shushu, but seeing this situation, he frowned.

"Thirteen, you can't snatch my fiancée!" Chu Xiaoyao got angry and yelled at Chu Shisan.

"Shu Shu is my concubine first, and then my housemate. She is clearly my woman."

Chu Shisan looked back coldly.

Emperor Chu Yan suddenly felt a headache. How could he have given birth to these two incompetent sons, and he was jealous of a flirtatious woman with corrupt morals?

Where does this put the face of the Southern Chu royal family!

(End of this chapter)

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