The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 764 Happy Death: Here He Comes

Chapter 764 Happy Death: He Comes (12)

After a tiring journey all the way, everyone finally returned to the capital on this day.

After escorting Emperor Chu Yan back to the palace, Chu Shisan took Han Shushu with him, and immediately went to Xiaoyao Palace to find someone.

It's a pity that after arriving at the gate of Prince Xiaoyao's mansion, the guards guarding the gate said that Chu Xiaoyao was still traveling around, and it was said that he would return to Beijing in a few days.

Chu Shisan wanted to know the exact location of Chu Xiaoyao, but the guards couldn't answer.

In desperation, Chu Shisan and Han Shushu returned to the South Courtyard.

"Thirteen, don't worry too much, Chu Xiaoyao should be fine. Didn't we read his letter just now?"

Seeing that Chu Shisan was full of worries, Han Shushu hurriedly comforted him.

"I always feel that something really happened this time. Let's wait a few more days. If he doesn't return to Beijing by then, I will go find him myself."

Chu Shisan said and looked at Han Shushu, seeing her tired face, he simply picked her up horizontally.

When Han Shushu saw that everyone in the South Yard stopped what they were doing and looked at her and Chu Shisan, she was embarrassed and embarrassed: "Can you keep a low profile? I didn't see that everyone was watching and treating us like monkeys." Would you like to enjoy it as well?"

In the past, Chu Shisan would not show his affection in such a high-profile way, but now he is so enthusiastic that she can't stand it!
Not only that, but Tana followed behind her, as well as her accompanying maids and guards, all staring fiercely at her back.

If eyes could kill, she must have been killed many times.

"Xiaocao, go get ready for a change of clothes, Shushun needs to take a bath." Chu Shisan said, hugging Han Shushun and heading towards the bathing pool.

Along the way, he treated everyone as air, and only had Han Shushu in his eyes.

When they went to the bathing pool, Chu Shisan almost took off Han Shushun's clothes.

She thought that Chu Shisan was going to roll with her in the bathtub again, but who knew that Chu Shisan was just helping her take a bath seriously, without any irregularities.

It's just that the way he stared at her burning eyes made her feel insecure.

Looking at his strange eyes, he seemed to throw her down at any time.

"You rest first. I'll satisfy you when you recover." When Han Shushun was placed on the couch by Chu Shisan, Chu Shisan listened to her.

Han Shushu fell asleep at ease upon hearing this.

The next day, Han Shushu nestled in the study to pass the time.

At this time, Wanxin hurried over and said: "It's bad, just now An Xin accidentally bumped into Princess Tana, and Princess Tana wanted to kill An Xin. The young master just left the South Courtyard, girl, what should I do?"

"Where is An Xin now, you lead the way."

"It's right in front of the small ancestral hall in the backyard." As soon as Wanxin finished speaking, Han Shushu hurried towards the small ancestral hall.

When she arrived, she saw that An Xin was tied up and thrown on the ground, and Mu Mu was holding up a wooden staff with thick arms and was about to torture An Xin.

"Stop!" Han Shushu shouted loudly.

Mumu glanced at Han Shushu when he heard the words, but ignored Han Shushu at all, and was about to strike down with one stick.

"Chu Yun, stop her!" Han Shushu shouted coldly.

Chu Yun understood, and in an instant came to Mu Mu, and grabbed the wooden staff.

Mu Mu is also a trainer, and his martial arts are very good, but he can't break free from Chu Yun's control.In the end, Chu Yun snatched the stick, which made her very angry.

Seeing this, Tana, who was drinking tea, sneered and lifted her lips: "Who is the mistress of the South Court?!"

What a Han Shushu, does she have to look at Han Shushu's face even when she disciplines a servant?

(End of this chapter)

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