Chapter 802 Pregnancy, Pregnancy (11)

"It's... hard to say." Chu Ji replied with a dry smile.

He has coveted the throne for a long time, and has been looking forward to the death of Emperor Chu Yan, but he dare not talk about the political situation of Southern Chu in broad daylight, and he is not tired of living.

"In my opinion, among the many princes of my father, all of them have bad looks, and none of them are destined to become emperor."

Chu Shisan's next words made Chu Ji and Chu Yingchen's expressions change slightly.

This time the fool could tell that Chu Shisan was threatening them, whoever dared to fight for the throne with the thirteenth prince would be "dead"!

"I also feel that among the many princes of the father, none of them has such a blessing. Take me as an example, it is good that I can be a prince safely, and that is my greatest blessing." Chu Yingchen hastily expressed his opinion .

It just so happened that he had no interest in the throne, so Chu Shisan could rest assured that he would never compete with Chu Shisan for the throne.Therefore, there is no need for Chu Shisan to treat him as an enemy and kill him!

When Chu Shisan heard the words, his cold eyes fixed on Chu Ji's face: "Old Ba, help me see Lao Wu's face, does he have the appearance of an emperor?"

Chu Yingchen quietly looked at Chu Ji whose face was pale, and shook his head with certainty: "No!"

It was better to offend Chu Ji than to offend Chu Shisan, the evil star.Liang Xie chooses a tree to live in. Obviously, Chu Shisan is more like a king than Chu Ji.

Chu Ji didn't dare to look up at Chu Shisan, maybe it was his illusion, he felt like an invisible hand was pinching him in his throat, making him unable to breathe.

After that, even his body seemed to be burning with fire, and the fire moved around his body, as if it wanted to tear his body apart.

"Ten, thirteen, I, I also feel that being a prince is, is my greatest blessing..."

It took Chu Ji a lot of effort to finish what he wanted to say.

As soon as he said this, all the discomforts in his body disappeared at that moment.

Damn Chu Shisan, how high is his martial arts?He and Chu Yingchen didn't even see Chu Shisan making a move, Chu Shisan could hold his life in his hands, such overbearing martial arts made him terrified.

But if he just surrendered the throne like this, he would still not be reconciled!
If he doesn't fight to the death, what is his painstaking efforts in these years?
Even if he had to pay for his own life in the end, he would still compete with Chu Shisan.

The king loses the bandit, and the brave wins.

"That's all I say, next time, I won't hold back any more!" After Chu Shisan finished speaking, he went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation without looking back.

Chu Yingchen was stunned for a long time before looking at Chu Ji who was dripping with cold sweat: "Old Five, those who know practical things are heroes, you can't beat him."

When he saw Chu Shisan for the first time, he knew that Chu Shisan was ambitious.In addition, Chu Shisan's influence has spread all over the capital, and even the imperial palace is full of Chu Shisan's pawns.

According to the facts he knew, Chu Shisan had inserted his power into Southern Chu many years ago.

Chu Shisan has planned for a long time, now, it is time for Chu Shisan to close the net!

Nowadays, anyone who dares to compete with Chu Shisan for the throne will only die.

Chu Ji's eyes revealed a look of ruthlessness: "Why do you let him sit in that position like an eunuch? This king will fight with him no matter what, and we will see who can have the last laugh!"

Seeing that Chu Ji had made up his mind, Chu Yingchen stopped persuading him: "Forget it, the road to becoming a king has always been a bloody journey. I really don't know what's so good about that seat. Everyone wants to get it."

(End of this chapter)

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