Chapter 805 Pregnancy, Pregnancy (14)

Xu Shi had been riding in the carriage for a few days, but Han Shushu fell ill on the couch, not wanting to move.

Seeing that her complexion was not good, Nangong brought the meal to her: "Xiao Shu, go to bed after eating."

Hearing this, Han Shushu looked at the food, shook his head and said, "I don't want to eat it."

In the past two days, she has been feeling sick all over, and she has no appetite when she sees the food. She seems to be sick when she is always healthy.

"You haven't eaten for a whole day, what's wrong with you?" Nangong said, and he directly touched Han Shushu's pulse.

After catching Han Shushu's pulse, his face changed slightly, and he looked at Han Shushu in surprise.

Han Shushu was resting with his eyes closed and did not see Nangong's ugly face.

"Maybe I have a cold, I'll be fine after a while..." Han Shushu opened his eyes, but saw Nangong looking at her absent-mindedly.

Nangong's expression was weird, which made her a little nervous: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Nangong shook his head, but did not answer.

Han Shushu was not in the mood to get to the bottom of it.She is not feeling well right now and just wants to sleep.

"I want to sleep for a while." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he closed his eyes and soon fell asleep.

Nangong sat in front of the couch for a while, and after making sure that Han Shushu was asleep, he checked her pulse again.

The diagnosis was the same as before.This girl is indeed ill, and not seriously ill.

What should I do now?
Han Shushu slept for two full hours before waking up.

Seeing that she was awake, Nangong brought over a bowl of soup and motioned her to drink it.

She leaned forward and smelled it, and felt that the smell of medicine was too strong: "I'm much better, I don't need to drink medicine."

Although she looked sick, it wasn't serious enough to take medicine.

"This is a tonic. Drinking it is good for your body. I'm not thirteen, so I won't spoil you and let you go." Nangong looked at Han Shushu coldly, and his words were a little rushed.

Han Shushu glanced at Nangong in surprise, and asked puzzledly, "When did I provoke you?"

Otherwise, why did Nangong speak to her in such a mocking tone?
Of course she knew that Nangong was not Thirteen.Thirteen might spoil her, but Nangong definitely wouldn't.

Nangong seldom treated her well in the past, even in another time and space, she didn't feel that being as arrogant as Nangong would become gentle and considerate.

Nangong was too lazy to answer, and directly handed the soup to Han Shushu's lips.

Han Shushu felt very uncomfortable when she smelled the medicine, so she turned her face away, but Nangong roughly grabbed her chin and poured the medicine into her mouth.

More than half of the soup was swallowed uncontrollably, but she spit out the other half in time and sprinkled it on Nangong's body.

I don't know if it was because of this incident, Nangong suddenly lost his temper, threw the medicine bowl on the ground, and then slammed the door away.

"What a bad temper!" Han Shushu got off the couch and cleaned up the broken bowls on the floor.

Maybe it was because she had had enough sleep and felt much better. She felt that she should go to Osmanthus Town for a stroll.

Since leaving the capital, she and Nangong have traveled all the way, and have seen many customs of Nanchu.

In fact, she likes life like this very much.You can do what you want to do, go where you want to go, and walk the way you want to go.No one plans her life, no one restricts her freedom.

However, the day she left the capital, she began to think about Shisan. Sometimes when she saw a man in white, she would think that Shisan had come.

Han Shushu was about to go downstairs when Nangong's voice suddenly came from behind her: "Where are you going?"

Unprepared, she was taken aback.

She looked back at Nangong, and said in a whisper: "I want to go out for a stroll, do you want to go together?"

(End of this chapter)

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