Chapter 807 Pregnancy, Pregnancy (16)

"Do you think pregnancy is a good thing? Don't forget, now you are Princess Xiaoyao, and it's only been half a month since you married into Prince Xiaoyao's mansion..."

"It doesn't matter, who will really count the days? It's a good thing to be pregnant. I want to tell Shisan the good news. He will be very happy." After finishing speaking, Han Shushu wanted to pack his things and return to Beijing quickly.

She wished she could run to Chu Shisan immediately and tell him the great news.

They have a baby, and she loves it, whether it's a boy or a girl.

"Do you want to go back to the capital now? Don't forget, you are spending your honeymoon with me! Don't forget, you moved me out of the capital because you didn't want me to hinder Thirteen's proclaiming emperor!" Nangong looked at Han Shushu coldly , every word.

"Aren't you not interested in the throne?" Han Shushu disagreed.

If Nangong wanted to be the emperor, he would not have easily agreed to her and left the capital with her.

Along the way, Nangong was also indifferent to the political situation in Nanchu, which proved that he was indeed not interested in the throne.

"One moment and another, now I suddenly feel that being an emperor is not bad." Nangong replied calmly, his eyes dimmed.

If he rushes back to the capital now, there is still time.

Maybe as long as King Xiaoyao is willing, Emperor Chu Yan will pass the throne to King Xiaoyao.

"Then... let's go back to Beijing later." Han Shushu hesitated for a moment before replying.

Who knows what Nangong is thinking?She couldn't let Nangong stand in the way of Shisan's hegemony, and no matter what, she couldn't let Nangong return to the capital at this critical moment and have a chance to win the throne.

"Xiao Shu, do you think the capital is the place where you can go back if you want, and you can't go back if you don't want to?"

Han Shushu's obvious protection of Chu Shisan made Nangong very unhappy.

"Nangong, that's the deal, we won't go back to the capital for the time being."

Han Shushu said to himself.

She looked at her flat belly, and when she thought of a little life conceived in her belly, she was so happy from ear to ear.

It would be good to return to Beijing later, when the dust of the throne has settled and the child in her womb will start to grow up, then tell Chu Shisan that she is pregnant with the child, won't he be able to become a father in the shortest possible time?

Han Shushu was immersed in his own thoughts, and didn't see the complex eyes of Nangong fixed on her face.

When Han Shushu regained his composure, there was no sign of Nangong in the room.

Fighting back the discomfort, she forced herself to eat some.After all, the child needs to absorb nutrition, and she should consider the baby as well as herself.

I don't know if it's a boy or a girl.She hoped that the baby would be a boy, and that he would be able to excel like Shisan when he grew up.Don't inherit her ordinary appearance, her character.

That night, Han Shushu slept soundly.

I woke up suddenly because there was constant thunder outside the window.

She looked out of the window, and a flash of lightning came down. When she saw Nangong standing in front of the window, she was almost scared to death.

Looking at the sky, it's not yet dawn, what kind of nerves did Nangong have, he didn't sleep at this hour, and went to her room to watch her sleep, is he sick?
"Nangong, what on earth do you want to do? Why don't you sleep in the middle of the night..."

She lit up the oil lamp, but saw Nangong standing in front of her in an instant, holding a bowl of medicine in his hand: "Xiao Shu, drink up the medicine."

The strong and pungent smell of the medicine made her nauseous, she pushed away the medicine bowl: "I'm not sick, so I won't take the medicine."

Feeling vigilant, she hurriedly got off the bed, wanting to leave the guest room, and even more so to stay away from the weird Nangong.

(End of this chapter)

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