The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 827 The New Emperor's Enthronement: Willing to Fall

Chapter 827 The new emperor ascends the throne: Willing to fall (5)

While Han Shushu was talking, he was quickly dressed.

But Chu Shisan grabbed her body, and sprayed his warm breath on her neck: "Shu Shu, I don't want you to be some kind of happy princess. You are my woman, why should I let you go back to other places?" By the man's side?"

As long as he makes an imperial decree, this woman can become his legitimate woman, but now it seems that he has become a redundant third party, and it feels like he is secretly flirting with his brother's woman.

It shouldn't be like this!
"I think this is very good. If you don't want to, Nangong and I will leave the palace and never—"

Before Han Shushu finished speaking, Chu Shisan blocked his lips.

She closed her dry eyes, and passively endured his enthusiasm. Her mouth was full of his taste and breath, which made her heart palpitate...

Chu Shisan noticed Han Shushu's absent-mindedness, so he stopped kissing, and what he saw was Han Shushu's bewildered and fragile expression.

His heart tightened and he panicked.

She was clearly right in front of him at this moment, but she was out of reach.

He is most afraid that her heart will drift far away again and again, so far that one day he will not be able to catch up.

"Girl, listen to you, you can do whatever you want." Chu Shisan said, helping Han Shushu tidy up his clothes.

Han Shushu lowered his eyes and said in a hoarse voice: "It's getting late, you are busy with state affairs now, go to bed early, and you have to get up early to go to court tomorrow."

After she finished speaking, she walked out of the Nuo Pavilion without looking back.

Wanxin insisted on sending her back to the south courtyard, but she didn't stop her, and leaned lazily on the chariot.

On the way to send Han Shushu back to the south courtyard, Wanxin saw her take a pill and asked, "What did you eat?"

Han Shushu responded calmly, "I made the tonic myself."

"Is there any more on the girl, can I give one to the slave?" Wanxin asked again.

"No." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he closed his eyes and rested.

Seeing this, Wanxin couldn't talk anymore, and she didn't return to Yangxin Hall until Han Shushu was sent back to the South Courtyard.

She truthfully told the fact that Han Shushu had taken a pill on the way back to the South Courtyard. Chu Shisan's face was as dark as ink when he heard this, and he ordered her to find out what kind of medicine Han Shushu was taking no matter what.

In fact, she and Chu Shisan have the same idea, but this idea needs to be verified...

As for Han Shushu, who was about to go back to his room to rest after returning to the south courtyard, he saw a person standing in a dark corner.

She walked towards the other party slowly and asked, "It's already this hour, why are you still awake? Are you waiting for me?"

Nangong came out from a dark corner. He looked Han Shushu up and down, and his eyes finally settled on the corner of her bitten lip and the ambiguous hickey on her neck.

Han Shushu touched the corner of his lips and smiled: "Thirteen has always been like this, today is quite gentle..."

Nangong's eyes darkened slightly: "He knew you were in poor health, yet he did this to you—"

"It's none of his business. It's me who wants to serve the bed. Men have always had poor self-control in this regard." Han Shushu interrupted Nangong.

"Don't forget, you are still my wife now!" Nangong looked at Han Shushu coldly, and an unknown fire surged from the bottom of his heart.

She is obviously his woman, but she can do things with other men as if nothing happened between husband and wife. How can this woman be so self-respecting!
Han Shushu yawned lazily: "Who is Shisan the emperor? He wants anything in the world. It's just a matter of one sentence. Nan Shao, go to rest early, I'm tired too..."

(End of this chapter)

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