The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 834 3, I will make you very painful

Chapter 834 Thirteen, I will make you very painful (4)

"You don't think I have anything wrong with Xiao Shu, do you? Don't worry, I used to despise her for 20 years, but now that she looks like a ghost, it's strange that I can see her." Nangong laughed, and mentioned Han Shushu in a dismissive tone.

He once got along with Xiao Shu for 20 years.In those 20 years, he never had the slightest affection for Xiao Shu. In this era, Xiao Shu has already faded away. How could he have any feelings for Xiao Shu?
Chu Shisan obviously overestimated Xiao Shu's femininity...

Han Shushu, who hadn't gone far, accidentally heard Nangong's words, and a strange smile appeared on her lips.

It's normal for Nangong to look down on her, being as proud as Nan Shao, it would be strange if one day he really thought of her wrongly.

I really hope that one day I can see Young Master Nangong becoming interested in women other than Leng Ying, it must be fun.

Anyone who owed her in the past had to pay her back!

When Chu Shisan walked to the empty front yard, he saw Han Shushu running.

I thought she was just joking when she said that she wanted to exercise, but it turned out that she wasn't lying.

When she stopped in front of him panting, he gently wiped the sweat from her forehead with his sleeve.

"Why do you think of going for a run?" Chu Shisan asked quietly, looking at Han Shushu's thin face intently.

"The body is too poor. I don't want to become a weak woman who will be blown down when the wind blows." Han Shushu took a breath and looked up at the man in front of him.

After looking at him for a while, she twitched the corners of her lips: "Nangong is right, you are the emperor now, even if you put on a show, you should enrich your future..."

"It doesn't matter if you don't listen to him." Chu Shisan knew what Han Shushu was going to say and interrupted her.

"How about this, you find more beauties to enter the palace, and I will help Nangong choose some beauties. After all, I feel a little guilty for letting him live with me in the palace." Han Shushu changed the topic abruptly.

Chu Shisan took a deep look at Han Shushu, suspecting that this was her real intention.

"You can do whatever you want."

This woman never made any demands on him, but he hoped that one day she would take the initiative to ask him for some rewards.

In the past, she liked gold, silver and jewelry, but now she dissociates from the world and despises everything.If it's him, the emperor, she doesn't care so much, does she?

"Shu Shu, do you love me?"

After looking down at Han Shushu for a while, Chu Shisan suddenly asked.

Han Shushu was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and hid in Chu Shisan's arms: "You are so nice, who wouldn't love you? With your face and your crushing status, I'm afraid no woman will love you." do not love."

"You know what I'm not saying..."

As soon as Chu Shisan opened his mouth, Han Shushu got out of his arms and looked at him seriously.The way she looked at him with scrutiny made his heart skip a beat.

"Thirteen, I'm going to sleep in the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight." After she finished speaking, she left without looking back.

Chu Shisan was stunned in place.

It seemed that there was still her body temperature and weight in his arms, but he couldn't hold on to anything firmly.

As long as she is in the palace at this moment, in his territory, he is afraid that if he comes to the South Courtyard the next moment, her people will no longer be there.

Wanxin, who was waiting on the side, saw Chu Shisan's loss. She took a step forward and said in a low voice: "Your Majesty, there are still many memorials that have not been approved. Please put the state affairs first. The girl has something on her mind now, and she will stay for a while. The girl will open her heart. Everyone can see that the girl loves the emperor."

(End of this chapter)

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