Chapter 841 Revenge: Peachy Trap (3)

Han Shushu watched Chu Shisan go away, seeing that he was about to disappear from her sight, she tried to keep up.

Just then, someone grabbed her.

She looked at him, it was Nangong.

"It's different today. He is the king of a country now, and he has a lot of business to do. He doesn't have so much time for romance and family love." Before Nangong finished speaking, Han Shushu shook off his hand and trotted after him. behind that group of people.

In desperation, Nangong also followed behind Han Shushu.

It wasn't until they watched Chu Shisan return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation that Han Shushu returned to the South Courtyard contentedly.

"You silly girl, he has so many people sending him back to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, are you still afraid that he will be lost?" Nangong looked at Han Shushu's satisfied smile in a daze.

He never knew that Xiao Shu smiled so beautifully.

She is so thin that she doesn't look good at all, but when she smiles, she can make people feel happy.

She smiled so happily, but it was because of Chu Shisan.

"I feel at ease seeing him return to the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Thirteen is becoming more and more responsible, especially masculine, don't you think so?" Han Shushu pursed his lips and smiled.

Nangong scoffed.He is not a woman, so how would he know if Chu Shisan has masculine charm?
But looking at Xiao Shu's silly smile, Chu Shisan reckoned that she had a bit of masculine charm.

After returning to the South Courtyard, Nangong helped Han Shushu classify herbal medicines, and asked casually, "Xiao Shu, what attracts you about Thirteen?"

"At first, I may have sympathized with his experience, but later I fell in love with him. Later, I really wanted to prevent all disasters for him, and I was willing to sacrifice my life for him. Nan Shao, this is love."

Han Shushu glanced at Nangong.

Suddenly she found that she no longer remembered the details of her obsession with Nangong.She didn't even know why she liked Nangong and why she wanted to marry him desperately.

"Yeah, I'm about to fall in love with you." Nangong whispered silently.

It sounded so beautiful, so beautiful that it made him jealous.

"Come on. You will always love yourself the most. Except for Miss Leng, there is no other woman who can easily make your heart flutter, even the beauty in the South Courtyard who looks very much like Miss Leng is no exception."

Han Shushu disagreed.

It can be seen from Nangong's non-positive attitude. His interest in Nishang is only average, and he didn't even launch an offensive against Nishang. This is not like Nangong's proper attitude when dealing with prey.

This afternoon, on a whim, Han Shushu asked Nangong to take her to gather medicine.

After all, the knowledge in books is far less important than practice, and some herbs still need to be collected by oneself to be deeply impressed.

Xiaocao wanted to follow, but she tried her best to back off, but it was a pity that Xiaocao was disobedient.

Seeing this, Nangong simply gave Xiaocao some sleeping pills.

There is a Yunjing Mountain in the palace, and they didn't go too far, they collected herbs on the mountainside.

After one afternoon, there are only a handful of medicines picked.

"Nangong, come, sit down." Going to the foot of the mountain, Han Shushu picked a comfortable seat, waved to Nangong, and showed a warm smile.

Nangong looked at Han Shushu's smile absent-mindedly. How long had it been since he saw her smile so warmly?

In the past, she often smiled at him like this, chased after him courteously, and called him Nan Shao tenderly.

Maybe it was because the setting sun was so beautiful that it made her thin face red, which made her smile bright and pleasant.

(End of this chapter)

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