Chapter 849 Thirteen, don't cry... (3)

If she didn't come to beg Thirteen, Xiaocao would probably kneel down in the south courtyard.

"She belongs to you, I won't accept her!" Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu and replied quietly.

"Didn't I come to you because of her stubborn temper? You collect Xiaocao for the time being, and after a while, I will ask you to get her back. Just pretend that I left Xiaocao with you, how about it?" Han Shushu smiled flatteringly at Chu Shisan.

Chu Shisan stared blankly at Han Shushu's smile. How long had he not seen such a smile?It's as long as a lifetime.

When she used to ask him for something, she would smile at him so flatteringly, like a cute little pet, just barely begging for mercy.

"Thirteen, what's wrong?"

Seeing that Chu Shisan's eyes were red, Han Shushu rushed to Chu Shisan, her heart tightened, and she said in a hoarse voice, "San Shisan, don't cry..."

As soon as Chu Shisan stretched out his hand, he took her into his arms and squeezed her waist tightly, as if he wanted to rub her into his body.

She resisted the pain and said nothing.

"Accept my small request?" Han Shushu took the opportunity to ask again.

Chu Shisan responded lightly: "Okay."

He is willing to give her whatever she wants, as long as she becomes as happy as before.

"I knew you were the best." Han Shushu stood on tiptoe and kissed Chu Shisan hard on the face: "Then you go and send someone to bring Xiaocao to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, I will soon be annoyed by her." Dead. In order to repay you, I will come to sleep in two days."

She got out of Chu Shisan's arms, blew him a kiss, and then walked away quickly.

"The girl has really changed a lot. Now the girl can't figure out what she is thinking in her heart."

Wanxin watched Han Shushu walk away and sighed softly.

Chu Shisan must be very tired after falling in love with such a woman.

She thought that Han Shushu came to Chu Shisan to prevent Chu Shisan from marrying Tana, but she knew that it was the opposite, Han Shushu wanted to throw Xiaocao into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

In fact, the news that Chu Shisan wanted to make Tana a concubine was Chu Shisan's rumor, the purpose of which was to test Han Shushu.

How do you know that in the end, Han Shushu actually encouraged Chu Shisan to make a concubine.

"What happened to Shu Shu and Nangong yesterday, did you send someone to find out?" Chu Shisan asked with a straight face.

Wanxin shook her head: "Only Shu Shu and Xiaoyao Wang know the truth. I heard that Nangong reacted strangely after returning to the south courtyard yesterday, and even refused Nishang's bedtime service. After Nishang was humiliated, she went to confront the girl. Listen to what Nishang means , Nangong rejected Nishang's courtship because of the girl..."

Because she was afraid that Chu Shisan would think wildly, Wanxin said again: "In the girl's heart, there is only the emperor now, the emperor does not need to worry too much."

"Go and send someone to bring Xiaocao to the Hall of Mental Cultivation." Chu Shisan ordered in a low voice, his face was as usual, and there was nothing wrong with it.

Wanxin didn't dare to speculate on the Holy Will, so she withdrew as she said.

In the end, it was she who took Qingxin and the others to the south courtyard and forcibly took Xiaocao out of the south courtyard.

Xiaocao hated her so much that she gritted her teeth, no matter how she tried to reason with Xiaocao, Xiaocao would not listen and insisted on going back to serve Han Shushu.

In desperation, she had no choice but to send someone to watch Xiaocao closely and guard it strictly.

After confirming that Xiaocao was taken away, Han Shushu returned to the South Courtyard.

She went to the empty Shuzhai, thinking of the little grass that might come out to protect her at any time, her heart ached slightly.

She is used to Xiaocao being by her side, and she is used to seeing Xiaocao take care of everything for herself.

(End of this chapter)

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