Chapter 858 Into the limbo (4)

Chu Shisan saw the shadow of another person on Xiu Nu's face.

She is also delicate and delicate, not like other beauties who are eye-catching, and she is small...

When Chu Shisan regained his composure, he found himself standing in front of Xiu Nu: "What's your name?"

Xiu Nu didn't expect that the new emperor would take a fancy to her, so she replied shyly, "Xing'er, the daughter of the people."

Chu Shisan looked at Xiu Nu's shy and timid face for a long time, his eyes gradually turned cold.

She wouldn't look at him shyly and timidly, and she wasn't such a coquettish and pretentious woman...

With a wave of his dragon sleeve, Xiu Nu's body flew out like a broken arrow, and she fell hard under the wall, her head was bleeding immediately.

All the sisters were terrified, but the new emperor made a move as soon as he said it.

"Those who don't want to die can enter the harem and become one of the three thousand people in my harem. I don't guarantee that one day I want to kill people and wash the harem with blood!"

As Chu Shisan spoke, he walked towards the empress dowager with an ugly face and said, "It doesn't matter which short-lived ghost the queen mother falls in love with. My son has no objection."

After he finished speaking, he left Chuxiu Palace without looking back.

The queen mother was dizzy with anger. At this time, some timid girls all knelt down and begged for mercy.

Tana, Chu Qiao, and Lin Xia wished that the other beautiful girls would back down, and were happy to watch the excitement.

In the end, the queen mother made her own decision and named Tana a virtuous concubine, Chu Qiao a Hui concubine, Lin Xia a Jieyu, and the other beautiful girls all talents.

That night, Tana went to the Hall of Mental Cultivation to sleep at the Queen Mother's order.

Chu Shisan was reading a book, and when he heard that Tana was waiting for an order outside the hall, he did not send an order to meet Tana.

Tana waited outside the hall for a full hour, shivering from the cold and shivering from anger.

She angrily scolded Zhao Jinzhong: "Could it be that you, a dog slave, didn't tell the emperor that this palace is waiting outside the Hall of Mental Cultivation?!"

"Returning to the empress, the emperor's state affairs are heavy, and he is still reviewing the memorial at this hour, so he has no time to see the empress..."

Before Zhao Jinzhong finished speaking, Tana suddenly passed him and rushed into the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Tana searched all the way, and finally found Chu Shisan in the study.

"Your Majesty, my concubine came to attend the bedtime under the order of the Empress Dowager..."

Seeing Chu Shisan's gloomy and cold eyes, Tana didn't know how to proceed.

"I'm an eunuch, you said you came to sleep with me, are you mocking me?" Chu Shisan said, slamming the book in Tana's face fiercely.

Tana only felt the burning pain on her face. She was so frightened that she fell to her knees and kowtowed to Chu Shisan again and again: "I don't dare. I just acted according to the Queen Mother's order. I know my mistake. Please punish me by the emperor." ..."

"Since you want to die so much, I will help you. Someone, pull this woman down, and you will be punished thirty times!"

As soon as Chu Shisan said this, Tana's face turned pale as paper.

She thought that the Empress Dowager valued her, so she was confident.Today, she was conferred the title of concubine and was lucky enough to be admitted to the Palace of Nourishing Heart, but unexpectedly, she was met with unexpected misfortune.

How could Chu Shisan be so heartless?

No matter what, she is also Princess Hussein, the most virtuous concubine with the highest rank.

"The emperor spares my life, my concubine will never dare again..."

Amidst Tana's begging for mercy, she was escorted away by the guards.

The study returned to silence, but Chu Shisan was no longer in the mood to read.

He always thought of the face of today's beautiful woman, and as he thought about it, another woman's thin face swayed in front of him.

"Wanxin, how long has she been alone in the south courtyard?" Chu Shisan asked quietly.

"Half a month." Wan Xin replied with downcast eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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