The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 868 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity

Chapter 868 Three Murderers: Xiaocao's Identity (6)

Xiaocao was stunned at the gate of the south courtyard, her big eyes were clouded with tears, she choked up and said to Han Shushu's back: "If I did something wrong, Miss, please forgive me once, and I will never do it again. Don't make the lady angry..."

It's a pity that Han Shushu didn't answer her half a word, and just disappeared from her sight.

Xiaocaotan sat on the ground, out of breath from crying.

She knew that this day would always come, but she didn't expect it to come so soon. She still had a lot to say to Han Shushu.

In Bei Qin, from the moment Han Shushu sewed clothes for her, she sincerely regarded Han Shushu as her master...

Han Shushu actually didn't go far.

She stood under the corner and heard Xiaocao crying like a child.That girl has been kissing her all the time, but she was suddenly abandoned, that's why she cried so sadly?
But she knew that Xiaocao couldn't be left behind, Xiaocao belonged to Thirteen.

It was because she realized it later that she never doubted Xiaocao's identity.

After she walked out of Osmanthus Town, she was able to look at the people around her, including Xiaocao, with a more objective and calm attitude.

Looking back and thinking about the past, you will find that Xiaocao has many doubts...

"You already know that Xiaocao is from Thirteen?" Nangong quietly appeared in front of Han Shushu and asked in a deep voice.

Han Shushu regarded Xiaocao as his younger sister. When Han Shushu drove Xiaocao out of the South Courtyard, he thought that Han Shushu had already discovered that something was wrong with Xiaocao.

Han Shushu nodded slightly, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes.

Xiaocao, whom she used to confide in, turned out to be a pawn that Chu Shisan placed by her side. May I ask why she has kept Xiaocao?
When she was in Northern Qin, she was thrown into a nunnery by Qin Zhuiyue.

No one knew that she was in the nunnery, but Chu Shisan found her easily, so she should suspect Xiaocao.At that time, only Xiaocao knew that she was in the nunnery, and only Xiaocao released the news that Chu Shisan would rush to the nunnery at the first time.

Later in the mountains, when she was half asleep, she saw a man in black talking to Shisan.At that time, she only felt that the figure of that person looked familiar, and she thought it was Xiaozhan at that time.

At that time, she should have discovered that it was actually Xiaocao.

Just recently.She was wandering around the capital with Xiaocao, when Nangong suddenly sent someone to arrest her.At that time, there was a masked man in black who wanted to save her, and she wanted to know the identity of the man in black.

Now she also wants to understand that the man in black with excellent skills is actually Xiaocao.

Whenever she and Shisan had cold wars or quarrels, Xiaocao was always the first to stand up and say good things for Shisan.

Often at the most critical moment, it is Xiaocao who can appear in the first place.

Xiaocao knows all the customs of Southern Chu, Xiaocao knows many allusions, and Xiaocao has a good kung fu.

Such a versatile little grass, but Thirteen was placed beside her.

Before she came to this time and space, Xiaocao had served Han Shu for three years.

There must be some purpose for the Thirteenth Council to place such an important person by Han Shu's side.And the cause and effect of this, she did not dare to think deeply.

"If you want to know Xiaocao's true identity, I can tell you."

Seeing that Han Shushu kept wiping away tears, Nangong's heart tightened.

He stepped forward and wiped the tears on her cheeks with his cuff.

Han Shushu avoided his touch and shook his head slowly.

She didn't want to know Xiaocao's real identity.Because she knows that the truth is often very cruel, and she would rather be confused and stupid.

(End of this chapter)

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