Chapter 875 The Fall of Love (5)

Unexpectedly, Xiaocao told her that it was Chu Shisan's blessing to die in the hands of Han Shushu.

"Xiaocao has also become abnormal recently, becoming more and more indifferent." Wanxin said to Chu Yun.

Chu Yun didn't make a sound, watching Xiaocao wandering in the hall like a wandering spirit.Take a good care of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, because of the existence of Xiaocao, it seems to have become a ghost hall now, making him feel uncomfortable all over.

I really want to throw Xiaocao back to the South Courtyard.

That night, everyone in the Hall of Mental Cultivation except Chu Shisan and Xiaocao slept restlessly, for fear that Han Shushu would think of some poisonous tricks against Chu Shisan the next day.

On the other side, the South Courtyard.

Han Shushu was soundly asleep when he was kicked from the couch to the ground.

She rubbed her sore buttocks from the fall, and looked up at the angry Nangong.Looking at the sky again, it was dark, and I knew it was still dark.

At this moment, shouldn't he continue to have sex with Nishang?
Why did he go to Shu Zhai to trouble her?
"Looking at you like this, it seems that you are not very satisfied with the dessert I gave you. Do you know that most people can't enjoy the dessert I gave him, so you are very lucky." Han Shushu struggled up and climbed onto the couch ,continue to sleep.

The next moment, she was roughly grabbed by the skirt of Nangong, and what she saw was Nangong's eyes burning with anger.

She really didn't understand Nangong's thoughts.

After all, Nangong took all the benefits, and it was his blessing to get a beauty like Nishang.

"Tell me clearly, how did you poison me!" Nangong stared fiercely at Han Shushu's face.

If she lied, he could see it, and he would!

He had possessed Chu Xiaoyao for several years, and he inherited all of Chu Xiaoyao's martial arts and poison techniques.He thought that Xiao Zhu could not be his opponent in terms of poison art.What's more, today he is still vigilant, and has been paying attention to Xiao Shu's actions.

Those meals were indeed not drugged, how did Xiao Shu do it?
Now he is the poison doctor, and the poison doctor is him, but he is being tricked by Xiao Shu again and again, which is tantamount to slapping him in the face.

He had never been humiliated like this in his life!
"It's all your fault, I'm too suspicious. I never thought about giving you any medicine, but you thought I was so bad. So, I had to test the poison for you..." Han Shushu smiled but was not a smile He stared at the distraught Nangong.

The appearance of Nangong made her feel that this game was very interesting.

Nangong was stunned for a while, his eyes fixed on Han Shushu's lips, his face changed again and again: "You put the medicine on your own lips?!"

Seeing his fuss, Han Shushu smiled: "Didn't you teach me this trick? The day before we got married, you kissed my hair and rubbed the poison on my head by the way. Your master taught me I have never dared to forget my moves. When the time comes, I will naturally apply what I have learned."

This is called using the way of others to return to the body of others.

It's ridiculous that such a smart young master Nanda came to ask her such a stupid question.

Nangong looked at Han Shushu absent-mindedly, with a very ugly expression on his face.

What he should have thought a long time ago was actually such a simple cover-up, but he failed to see it.Whether he became stupid or Xiao Shu became smart, he actually fell down in her hands again.

What bothered him the most was why the person he was sleeping with was Nishang, but he always thought he was sleeping with Xiaoshu?
"What kind of love-drug did you give to make me think it was you who slept?"

Nangong asked in a deep voice.

(End of this chapter)

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