Chapter 880 Sleeping with her dead! (2)

Han Shushu put his head down and ate some, as if chewing on wax.

She used to yearn for such a life of rich clothes and good food, but now she realizes that she is not a lucky person.

"Is the meal not to your liking?" Chu Shisan looked at it for a while and asked softly.

"It's okay." Han Shushu put down the bowl and chopsticks as he said, and straightened his expression: "Today Nan Shao said that he found out that he likes me. In addition, he and I are husband and wife, and my wish was to marry him. I want to live a good life with him from now on, as for the emperor, if it is not necessary in the future, it is better not to meet face to face."

Chu Shisan's eyes flickered slightly, and he heard it clearly.

She said it lightly, could she erase all their past kindness without meeting each other?

"Listen to you, you can do whatever you want." Chu Shisan patted the back of Han Shushu's hand.

Seeing that Chu Shisan was so talkative, Han Shushu looked at him coldly.

According to his domineering temperament in the past, it is impossible to listen to her opinion on everything.

Chu Shisan must have something to do later, so don't be careless.

"Do you want to leave the palace?" Chu Shisan suddenly asked while Han Shushu was in a daze.

Han Shushu smiled, but remained silent.

She didn't understand what Chu Shisan meant. Would he allow her to leave the palace?

"I know you want to live a free life. If you want to leave the palace, I can send you out now." Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu tenderly.

Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan coldly: "What exactly do you want to do, just tell me, I don't like charades."

Chu Shisan has a bad temper and is possessive. His favorite thing to do is to force her to do this or that.

"What I said just now is what I want to do. I just want to give you back your freedom." Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu in a daze.

"Are you retreating to advance? Or do you think that if you give me a little freedom, I will be grateful to you?" Han Shushu stood up and approached Chu Shisan's face: "I will stay in the palace and stay with you all the time." you!"

She won't be leaving the palace for a while.

Because Chu Shisan was in the palace, she had to hang around Chu Shisan from time to time, and she even wanted to see him in pain.

Whether it is Chu Shisan or Nangong, she will not let it go.

She wants them to suffer with her!

Chu Shisan watched Han Shushu go away, and an unknown smile bloomed in the depths of his eyes.

Han Shushu didn't go far before he realized something was wrong.

She shook her drowsy head, trying to find a fulcrum to stabilize her body.At this time, a pair of hands caught her slightly swaying body, and she tried her best to open her eyes wide, staring hard at his face: "Chu Shisan, you are despicable!"

She never expected that Chu Shisan would drug her during the meal.

"Shu Shu, you look good when you are angry." Chu Shisan laughed softly, and the laughter echoed in the empty hall.

Han Shushu felt ashamed and angry, feeling that Chu Shisan was humiliating her in this way.

She drugged Nangong yesterday, and Chu Shisan drugged her today, is this considered retribution?
Chu Shisan hugged Han Shushu's weightless body in his arms, and the laughter gradually subsided. He tapped her little face flushed with anger, and said softly, "Don't worry, I just want you to Stay with me. When the time comes and the effect of the medicine wears off, you will naturally be able to return to the South Courtyard."

He has no other thoughts, but just wants to keep her by his side to look at her more.

Now that she hates him, if possible, let her hate him more.As the saying goes, love hates entanglement.If you have never loved, how can you hate?
(End of this chapter)

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