Chapter 891 beam, kill me (5)

Chu Shisan looked at Han Shushu and said, "It's time to start."

Han Shushu nodded with a smile: "Among the ten cups of tea, six cups are poisonous. One of the poisons I read in a book a few days ago is called the medicine for forgetting love. To be honest, because it is a newly developed medicine, I don't like it. There is no antidote."

Chu Shisan's face changed after hearing the words "forgetfulness medicine".

He also heard from Chu Xiaoyao that there is indeed a medicine in the world that can forget feelings, no matter who drinks it, he can forget all kinds of previous relationships, just like being reborn.

However, he had also heard that the secret recipe for this medicine had been lost. How could Han Shushu refine this so-called medicine for forgetting love?
Not to mention that Chu Shisan changed color, even Nangong, an expert in medicine and poison, was in a daze for a while after hearing the words "forgetting love medicine".

Has the legendary drug of forgetting love been developed by Xiao Shu?

Even Chu Xiaoyao failed to develop the medicine for forgetting love, how could Xiao Shu develop it in such a short time?

"The drug of forgetting love is not so much a poison as it is a medicine. How many people in the world can't get what they love, and one day they can really forget it. If they fulfill the other party, they also fulfill themselves."

Han Shushu narrated quietly, as if he was just a bystander.

With the drug of forgetting love, there will not be so many foolish men and women in the world, and there will not be so much love and hatred.Loved, hated, can be thrown out of the mundane world.

Her gaze was fixed on Chu Shisan's face for a moment, and then she looked at Nangong again.

Nangong's expression made her feel very interesting.

He pretended to be calm, but his expression still betrayed himself.

"It's still too late to leave. Shisan, do you want to quit?" Han Shushu looked at Chu Shisan and asked.

Chu Shisan remained silent, staring blankly at the ten cups of tea on the round table, his thoughts mixed.

If he accidentally drank the medicine for forgetting love, how could he forget Shushu?

If it is drunk in bunches, so what?

"Nan Shao, you have time to quit if you want to." Han Shushu looked at Nangong, curling his lips with a half-smile.

Nangong didn't answer either.

He can't drink the love potion, absolutely not!

"Forget it, it doesn't matter whether you participate or not, I can finish this game by myself!" Han Shushu said, picking up a cup of tea, but Chu Shisan snatched it away.

"This cup, I'll drink it!" After Chu Shisan finished speaking, he was about to raise his head and drink it.

Han Shushu suddenly smiled and said, "That cup seems to be the medicine for forgetting love. Shisan, are you sure you want to drink it?"

Chu Shisan remained silent, and looked at Han Shushu, who was smiling strangely.

If he doesn't drink, will this woman drink?
He guessed that this might be a mental game she played, but he didn't dare to bet, he couldn't afford to lose!

"Forget it, you just don't want to drink it. Give it to Nan Shao, I think he should have the courage to drink it." Han Shushu said, grabbed the teacup and handed it to Nangong.

Nangong was originally happy, but when he heard Han Shushu's words, he immediately became angry: "Thirteen is the emperor, he is more courageous!"

Why let him drink this cup of poisonous tea, he won't drink it!
"This is your fault. Shisan and I are a match made in heaven. If we drink the medicine of forgetting love and forget about each other, wouldn't there be a pair of idiots and women in the world? Nan Shao, you are different. You are alone, even if There is nothing to lose by drinking the medicine for forgetting love. Unless, say, you still miss Leng Ying..."

Before Han Shushu finished speaking, Nangong grabbed the teacup, threw it on the ground, and looked at Han Shushu coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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