The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 896 Marriage: A certain dog that climbed the house in the middle of the night

Chapter 896 Marriage: Somebody Climbed the Room in the Middle of the Night (2)

The Queen Mother's gaze was fixed on Han Shushu's face.

Before Han Shushu had time to speak, Nangong jumped ahead of her and replied, "I want to report to the Empress Dowager, it's not her fault that Xiao Shu doesn't care about trifles. Sometimes the emperor has to pay attention to his own words and deeds, and it's not Xiao Shu's fault." .”

He looked directly into the Empress Dowager's eyes, and the Empress Dowager smiled when she heard the words: "Over there, the Ai family will discipline you. Xiaoyao, you have to discipline your wife well. The Ai family's patience is limited..."

Before the Queen Mother finished speaking, she saw Chu Shisan rushing into the dining room.

Her eyes darkened slightly, and she looked at Chu Shisan coldly: "The emperor is getting more and more unruly!"

"I'm here to pay my respects to my mother. If there is any impoliteness, my mother should be tolerant, and my son will definitely change it in the future." Chu Shisan said, and sat down next to Han Shushu.

"Since you're here, the Ai family will simply make things clear. Last night, the Ai family dealt with Li Cairen because of her gossip. The Ai family does not allow any rumors that will tarnish the royal reputation to spread in the palace. During his lifetime, the emperor asked Aijia to be attached to him more than once, no matter who is the emperor, the great cause of Southern Chu is the most important thing. No matter who destroys the royal reputation, Aijia will never forgive him lightly!"

The Queen Mother's eyes finally fixed on Han Shushu's face.

Han Shushu looked back calmly: "Your Majesty is wise."

What a vigorous queen dowager, how many eyes and ears does she have in the harem?She had just entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the Empress Dowager immediately summoned her into Yongtai Palace.

If she had doubts before, now she felt that the queen mother in front of her was unfathomable.

The people who are best at disguising are often those who seem to have no intentions and are very low-key.

The Queen Mother had never attracted anyone's attention before, until she accidentally overheard the news of Li Cairen's sudden death.

Could it be that the Empress Dowager has been sending people to watch her every move, so that she can be called into Yongtai Palace to give lectures in such a short period of time?
This thought was fleeting, making her suspicious.

"Aijia's body is deteriorating day by day, and he will have a good life in a few days. I just hope that you children can have a better memory and have a better future..."

Maybe it was too excited, the queen mother coughed up blood again as she spoke.

They didn't leave Yongtai Palace until Nangong checked the empress dowager's pulse and confirmed that the empress dowager was fine.

Chu Shisan stayed in Yongtai Palace to take care of her because she was worried that the queen mother's phoenix body would violate harmony.

Han Shushu and Nangong walked hand in hand. After a while, Han Shushu asked, "Young Master Nan, what do you think of the Queen Mother? Does she look like a cruel and scheming person?"

She stared at Nangong's expression.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that Nangong's eyes were a little floating.

"Women in the harem have scheming in their bones. As for whether the Queen Mother is scheming, you have your own thoughts, don't you?"

When Han Shushu heard this, he laughed and shook his head.

Nangong turned to look at Han Shushu, not understanding why she smiled so weirdly.

"In any case, you should keep a low profile in the future, don't run to the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and don't show affection with Thirteen in public. You know, you are Princess Xiaoyao, my wife of Nangong—"

Before Nangong finished speaking, Han Shushu suddenly quickened his pace and walked away quickly.

This woman is really real, the more you talk about it, the more she will fight against you.

He managed to catch up with Han Shushu, and Han Shushu suddenly turned to look at him with that weird expression and eyes again.

"Will it be a surprise if you fall into my hands one day?" Han Shushu asked quietly.

(End of this chapter)

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