The cannon fodder princess wants to do something again

Chapter 902 Marriage: A certain dog that climbed the house in the middle of the night

Chapter 902 Marriage: Somebody Climbed the Room in the Middle of the Night (8)

Chu Yingchen suddenly felt a little hot and his body was a little stiff.

Damn it, if this woman struggles again, he might really do something to her.

How many women are waiting to throw themselves into his arms, and Qin Changting should be grateful for the opportunity to marry him as a princess. Why is it that when she sees him, she looks like a rapist?
"This princess tells you, from now on, there will be you without me!"

While Qin Changting was struggling, he suddenly remembered that there was a treasure given to her by Han Shushu hidden in his cuff.

At this moment, Chu Yingchen sent it to her palm by himself. This opportunity is rare, if she doesn't grasp it well, it will be ridiculous!

"There are you and me, you and I become one..." Chu Yingchen just opened his mouth, when the pungent Qin Changting bit him hard on the back of his hand.

He didn't take it seriously until Qin Changting sprinkled some medicinal powder on his wound, and his wound quickly became red and swollen, itchy and painful.

He looked at Qin Changting in disbelief, and shouted in a deep voice: "What poison did you poison this king?!"

"I'm sorry, but this princess doesn't know what poison it is." Seeing Chu Yingchen's painful and hideous expression, Qin Changting smiled and bent over.

Damn the Merry Prince, when he dies, he will do justice for the heavens.

Chu Yingchen was in excruciating pain, and most importantly, it was very itchy. The itch seemed to melt into his flesh and blood, making him want to dismantle his body and reassemble it!
Where did Qin Changting get the poison to be so overbearing?

He couldn't bear it any longer, threw Qin Changting onto the carriage, grabbed her neck and asked, "Where is the antidote?! Hand over the antidote, and I will spare you!"

"My princess is so scared. If you have the ability, kill me right now and see if I can give you the antidote." Qin Changting looked at Chu Yingchen coldly.

In Beiqin Imperial Palace, except for Qin Zhuiyue, she was ignored by no one.

There is no reason to go to Nanchu, she will be bullied by Chu Yingchen, a bastard, so powerless to fight back.

Chu Yingchen was in unbearable pain, and was about to continue to extract a confession, when someone reminded him outside the carriage: "Princess, the palace is here."

Qin Changting pressed Chu Yingchen hard on him, and sat upright.

Chu Yingchen also remembered that the poison doctor Xiaoyao Wang lived in the south courtyard of the palace, and going to the south courtyard now is the best chance to detoxify.

That's right, Han Shushu and Qin Changting have a very close friendship, and the poison Qin Changting gave him must have been refined by Han Shushu.

Immediately, he got off the carriage, entered the palace gate, and flew towards the south courtyard.

Chu Yingchen found Han Shushu in the medicine room, and shouted at her: "Shushu, it's all because of your good deeds, detoxify me quickly!"

Han Shushu took time out of his busy schedule to look at him, and replied with a smile, "Why should I detoxify you?"

"This is your poison. If you don't help me detoxify it, who will detoxify it?!" After Chu Yingchen yelled, he suddenly remembered that Han Shushu was Chu Shisan's favorite person.

If Han Shushu was in a pillow state, would he die a miserable death?

"You won't die for a while, just stay aside." After Han Shushu finished speaking, he continued to busy with the work in hand.

Because of Han Shushu's status, Chu Yingchen didn't dare to show his anger.

There is no way, who wants Han Shushu's ability to make Chu Shisan obey her orders?
Originally, Qin Changting's marriage to him was a certainty, but because Han Shushu chewed his tongue in front of Chu Shisan yesterday, his and Qin Changting's marriage was postponed indefinitely.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have sneaked into Qin Changting's bedroom last night to give her a big "surprise".

After all, the culprit was Han Shushu, who looked weak but had a vicious heart.

(End of this chapter)

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